The Vietnam War is an outstanding collection of primary documents related to America’s conflict in Vietnam which includes a balance of original American and Vietnamese perspectives, providing a uniquely varied range of insights into both American and Vietnamese experiences. Includes substantial non-American content, including many original English translations of Vietnamese-authored texts which showcase the diversity and complexity of Vietnamese experiences during the war Contains original American documents germane to the continuing debates about the causes, consequences and morality of the US intervention Incorporates personal histories of individual Americans and Vietnamese Introductory headnotes place each document in context Features a range of non-textual documents, including iconic photographs and political cartoons Получить ссылку |
Vietnami retsept
Автор: Mart Kivastik
Год издания:
Lugu 21-aastase Toomas Sven Andreseni kohati morust, kuid seiklusrikkast teekonnast labi Vietnami, kaaslasteks Mari ja endine Vietkongi sodur Dong. Poiss uritab leida Vietnami ja ennast, vana sodur uut elu. Tudrukust pole aga uldse voimalik aru saada.
Minu Vietnam. Maailmakodanik, seljakott ja beebi.
Автор: Kristina Kallas
Год издания:
"Aga mis te seal Vietnamis tegite?” kusitakse uudistavalt. Tundub arusaamatu, kuidas saab lihtsalt koti pakkida ja Vietnamisse soita, pealegi veel vaikelapsega. Mitte too parast, mitte turismireisile, vaid moneks ajaks elama. Vietnam on suureparane koht lihtsalt niisama olemiseks. Kui ma moni aeg tagasi, seljakott seljas, esimest korda Vietnamisse sattusin, ahhetasin kodustele: siin on soe, sook on jumalik ja koik on nii odav! Ererohelised riisipollud, turkiissiniste lahesoppide jarsud lubjakivist kaljunukid, hallikassinised maeahelikud, kultuuride ristumine, veider kommunistlik reziim – romantiline, eksootiline, ponev! Kas sellesse riiki on vaikese lapse ja seljakotiga turvaline ja vastutustundlik randama minna? Ootamatult avastan, et seekord pakub Vietnam tosiseid katsumusi, mis panevad proovile mu senised toekspidamised ja nii monigi kord koigutavad mu maailmaparandamise usku.
Vietnam Business Guide. Getting Started in Tomorrow's Market Today
Автор: Kimberly Vierra
Год издания:
Kimberly and Brian Vierra have written the most useful guide I have seen for foreigners who want to do business in Vietnam. I’ve spent years in the country, but I learned a lot from this book. It’s full of practical information about unique aspects of Vietnam’s business culture; registration, legal and tax issues; working with local business partners; living conditions in Vietnam and industry-specific opportunities. Interviews with experienced expatriates bring the issues to life. The Vierras are very frank about tough problems such as corruption, but they also convey a real affection for and understanding of this wonderful country. Raymond Burghardt Former US Ambassador to Vietnam Director, Indochina Capital Corporation Vietnam Business Guide is the book that every seasoned Southeast Asia hand, bellied up to a Saigon bar, says he ought to write. Be thankful the Vierras made good on this common boast. Unstinting, pragmatic, penetrating and incredibly accessible, this highly readable volume may not keep you from the suffering the pain of starting up, but—if read closely, with a yellow highlighter—may very well spare you the agony of undue blood-letting. There will be blood, but Vietnam Business Guide will mitigate the flow. James Sullivan Managing Director, Mandarin Media Author, National Geographic Vietnam and Over the Moat Vietnam Business Guide provides practical and balanced information about Vietnam for foreigners to plan their first steps to enter the market. What separate this book from others are its reality and practicality, brought about by both the authors who themselves are entrepreneurs having walked the same journey and the experts who contributed their experiences on different topics throughout the book. The business landscape in Vietnam is speedily changing. Some facts, by the time you read the book, may need updating but still it serves best in providing newcomers essential starting points—a should-read book for those who consider doing business in Vietnam! Vu Minh Tri General Director, Yahoo! Vietnam Co. Ltd. I believe that Vietnam Business Guide has been very objective and true to its purpose. It covers almost all relevant business and personal challenges that one would face in Vietnam, with the authors’ firsthand experience shining through in their handling of culture issues and the Vietnamese mindset. Despite the constraints on size, it has sufficient details and a wealth of references to guide entrepreneurs and business executives in the right direction. Crisply written with interviews and real-life anecdotes, it makes for a very interesting read. A must-read book and an invaluable tool kit for anyone looking to Vietnam for business. Manish Dhawan Vice President – Coffee Division, Olam International Limited
Донная фауна залива Нячанг, Южный Вьетнам / Benthic fauna of the Bay of Nhatrang, Southern Vietnam
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год издания:
Книга посвящена исследованию удивительно богатой и разнообразной морской прибрежной фауны Южного Вьетнама. Большинство исследований выполнено на акватории залива Нячанг. В книгу вошло 8 глав, посвященных разным группам морских беспозвоночных животных: склерактиниевым кораллам, сипункулидам, усоногим ракам, стоматоподам, креветкам понтониинам, крабам семейств Domeciidae, Trapeziidae, Tetraliidae, Xanthidae (Cymoinae), Calappidae и губкам. В результате обработки коллекций, собранных в период с 1985 по 2006 гг., выявлен 441 вид донных беспозвоночных. Из них 1 вид – новый для науки, 82 вида – впервые отмечены для побережья Вьетнама и 128 видов – для акватории залива Нячанг. Для каждого вида приводятся данные о местонахождении, распространении, синонимия, а для многих видов – диагнозы или описания. Книга иллюстрирована 250 оригинальными цветными фотографиями живых объектов, выполненных в естественных условиях, в аквариуме или сразу после сбора материала.
Vietnam. Explaining America's Lost War
Автор: Gary Hess R.
Год издания:
Now available in a completely revised and updated second edition, Vietnam: Explaining America’s Lost War is an award-winning historiography of one of the 20th century’s seminal conflicts. Looks at many facets of Vietnam War, examining central arguments of scholars, journalists, and participants and providing evidence on both sides of controversies around this event Addresses key debates about the Vietnam War, asking whether the war was necessary for US security; whether President Kennedy would have avoided the war had he lived beyond November 1963; whether negotiation would have been a feasible alternative to war; and more Assesses the lessons learned from this war, and how these lessons have affected American national security policy since Written by a well-respected scholar in the field in an accessible style for students and scholars
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