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During the past decade it has become evident that microRNAs regulate gene expressions and control many developmental and cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms. Recent studies suggest that microRNAs play an important role in toxicogenomics and are likely to play an important role in a range of human diseases including cancer. microRNAs in Toxicology and Medicine is a comprehensive and authoritative compilation of up-to-date developments in this emerging research area, presented by internationally recognized investigators. It focuses on the role of microRNA in biology and medicine with a special emphasis on toxicology. Divided into six parts, topics covered include: microRNA and toxicology – including environmental toxicants and perturbation of miRNA signaling; microRNA, and Disease States featuring microRNAs in drug-induced liver toxicity, microRNAs and Inflammation the regulatory role of microRNA in mutagenesis, microRNAs and cancer, and the role of microRNAs in tumor progression and therapy, as well as current understanding of microRNAs as therapeutic targets in cancer microRNAs and disease states microRNAs and stem cells microRNAs and genomics microRNAs and epigenomics microRNAs and biomarkers – including body fluid microRNAs as toxicological biomarkers, cell-free microRNAs as biomarkers in human diseases, and circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of drug-induced pancreatitis microRNAs in Toxicology and Medicine is an essential insight into the current trends and future directions of research in this rapidly expanding field for investigators, toxicologists, risk assessors, and regulators in academia, medical settings, industry, and government.

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Автор: Dan Paul

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A novel about transforming organizations from the author of bestselling business books The Goal and Zapp! The Cure is a novel for managers about transforming an under-performing bureaucratic organization into a boundaryless, fact-driven management culture like the one that made Jack Welch's General Electric so consistently successful. It offers real, practical advice for overcoming political inertia, reinventing the company, and doing it in a year or less. By giving each key character a distinct voice, readers are reminded of people they have met and who may even sit in the desk next to them. These characters interact realistically and act pragmatically, and as a result readers become invested in how these people tackle their challenges and create real solutions. The methods described in the book have been successfully employed at many of high-profile companies, such as Black & Decker, Coleman, Emerson, Parker Hannifin, Textron, United Stationers, and Moen. The Cure argues that modern organizations must be flexible, quick, and boundaryless in order to thrive and survive, but it also shows managers how to make it happen fast. Based on the successful management theories of Dan Paul's General Management Technologies, The Cure accomplishes these things in the form of an entertaining, enlightening, and dramatic business narrative. Jeff Cox (Murrysville, PA) is a creative writer known for weaving progressive business concepts into compelling fiction. He is the coauthor of such business bestsellers as The Goal, Zapp!, and Heroz. Dan Paul (Pittsburgh, PA) is CEO of General Management Technologies, a consulting practice which focuses on the alignment of clients' strategies, work processes, and culture in order to target all the functions of a business on the same priorities. Formerly with General Electric, he's worked with many high-profile clients and spoken at many conferences on strategic management for Business Week and the American Management Association.

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Автор: Glyn Moody

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A behind-the-scenes look at the most lucrative discipline within biotechnology Bioinformatics represents a new area of opportunity for investors and industry participants. Companies are spending billions on the potentially lucrative products that will come from bioinformatics. This book looks at what companies like Merck, Glaxo SmithKline Beecham, and Celera, and hospitals are doing to maneuver themselves to leadership positions in this area. Filled with in-depth insights and surprising revelations, Digital Code of Life examines the personalities who have brought bioinformatics to life and explores the commercial applications and investment opportunities of the most lucrative discipline within genomics. Glyn Moody (London, UK) has published numerous articles in Wired magazine. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book Rebel Code.