Скачать книгу - Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery

Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery offers state-of-the-art, detailed guidance on performing neurosurgical techniques in dogs and cats, from indications and surgical anatomy to procedures and post-operative care. Presents an up-to-date, detailed reference on veterinary neurosurgery techniques, covering skills ranging from basic to advanced Provides guidance on why, when, and how to perform neurosurgical procedures Includes information on diagnostic evaluation, surgical planning, and instrumentation as well as step-by-step descriptions of specific procedures Copublished with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Foundation and American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Offers video clips on a companion website

Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода

Автор: Т. А. Казакова

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие предназначается изучающим английский язык и входит в систему предметов, обучающих теории и практике перевода. Материал пособия направлен на освоение и развитие практических навыков перевода с английского языка на русский и наоборот.Основным принципом построения пособия, отбора и расположения учебного материала является создание систематического представления о способах, средствах и приемах преобразования языковых единиц в процессе двустороннего перевода. Пособие может бытьиспользовано в рамках учебного процесса на факультетах иностранных языков, для обучения переводчиков, а также для самостоятельных занятий студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей английского языка и начинающих переводчиков.

Lexicology: A Current Guide / Лексикология английского языка. Учебное пособие Lexicology: A Current Guide / Лексикология английского языка. Учебное пособие

Автор: Г. Н. Бабич

Год издания: 

Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition

Автор: Marti Anderson

Год издания: 

Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching has influenced the way thousands of teachers have taught English. This classic guide to developing the way you teach has been an essential resource to new and experienced teachers worldwide, and is now in its third edition. Each chapter focuses on a different teaching approach, describing it being used in the classroom, analyzing what happened, and helping you think how you could apply it to your own teaching. New features of the third edition include: a new discussion on the political dimensions of language teaching, a new digital technology chapter, and extended coverage of content-based and task-based approaches. On this site you will find additional resources, including author videos in which Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marti Anderson talk about the background to the book and new innovations in language teaching which are discussed in the third edition.

Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature – 3. The Reaction in France Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature – 3. The Reaction in France

Автор: Georg Brandes

Год издания: 

Risk Management in Trading. Techniques to Drive Profitability of Hedge Funds and Trading Desks Risk Management in Trading. Techniques to Drive Profitability of Hedge Funds and Trading Desks

Автор: Davis Edwards

Год издания: 

A comprehensive resource for understanding how to minimize risk and increase profits In this accessible resource, Wall Street trader and quantitative analyst Davis W. Edwards offers a definitive guide for nonprofessionals which describes the techniques and strategies seasoned traders use when making decisions. Risk Management in Trading includes an introduction to hedge fund and proprietary trading desks and offers an in-depth exploration on the topic of risk avoidance and acceptance. Throughout the book Edwards explores the finer points of financial risk management, shows how to decipher the jargon of professional risk-managers, and reveals how non-quantitative managers avoid risk management pitfalls. Avoiding risk is a strategic decision and the author shows how to adopt a consistent framework for risk that compares one type of risk to another. Edwards also stresses the fact that any trading decision that isn't based on the goal of maximizing profits is a decision that should be strongly scrutinized. He also explains that being familiar with all the details of a transaction is vital for making the right investment decision. Offers a comprehensive resource for understanding financial risk management Includes an overview of the techniques and tools professionals use to control risk Shows how to transfer risk to maximize results Written by Davis W. Edwards, a senior manager in Deloitte's Energy Derivatives Pricing Center Risk Management in Trading gives investors a hands-on guide to the strategies and techniques professionals rely on to minimize risk and maximize profits.