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Most of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels, and there are still many strides being made in the efficiency and cost effectiveness of extracting these important and increasingly more elusive natural resources. This is only possible if the nature of the emergence, evolution, and parameter estimation of high grade reservoir rocks at great depths is known and a theory of their forecast is developed. Over 60 percent of world oil production is currently associated with carbonate reservoir rocks. The exploration, appraisal and development of these fields are significantly complicated by a number of factors. These factors include the structural complexity of the carbonate complexes, variability of the reservoir rock types and properties within a particular deposit, many unknowns in the evaluation of fracturing and its spatial variability, and the preservation of the reservoir rock qualities with depth. The main objective of most studies is discovering patterns in the reservoir rock property changes of carbonate deposits of different genesis, composition and age. A short list of the unsolved issues includes: the role of facies environment in the carbonate formation; the major geologic factors affecting the formation of high-capacity reservoir rocks and preservation of their properties; recommendations as to the use of the new techniques in studies of the structural parameters; and establishing a correlation between the major evaluation parameters. The focus of this volume is to show the scientific and engineering community a revolutionary process. The author perfected an earlier developed methodology in studies of the void space structure (Bagrintseva’s method, 1982). This methodology is based on carbonate rock saturation with luminophore and on special techniques in processing of photographs made under UV light. The luminophore technique was combined with the raster electron microscopy and its variation, the studies under the cathode luminescence regime. This combination enabled a more detailed study of the reservoir void space, the nonuniformity in the open fracture evolution, their morphology, length and variability of openness. Over recent years these techniques have found wide application. Useful for the veteran engineer or scientist and the student alike, this book is a must-have for any geologist, engineer, or student working in the field of upstream petroleum engineering.

Advanced Reservoir Engineering Advanced Reservoir Engineering

Автор: Ahmed T., McKinney P.D.

Год издания: 

Хорошая книга для инженеров-нефтяников. В книге подробно рассматриваются физические основы нефте и газо разработки.

The Girls of Hillcrest Farm: or, The Secret of the Rocks The Girls of Hillcrest Farm: or, The Secret of the Rocks

Автор: Marlowe Amy Bell

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In Vanity Fair: A Tale of Frocks and Femininity In Vanity Fair: A Tale of Frocks and Femininity

Автор: Brainerd Eleanor Hoyt

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Sedimentary Rocks in the Field. A Practical Guide Sedimentary Rocks in the Field. A Practical Guide

Автор: Maurice Tucker E.

Год издания: 

This fourth edition builds on the success of previous editions and for the first time is produced in full colour throughout with improved photos and diagrams. It retains its popular pocket size and is an essential buy for all students working in the field. The text shows how sedimentary rocks are tackled in the field and has been written for all those with a geological background. It describes how the features of sedimentary rocks can be recorded in the field particularly through the construction of graphic logs. In succeeding chapters the various sedimentary rock types, textures and structures are discussed and shown how they can be described and measured in the field. There are expanded sections on trace fossils and volcaniclastics along with updated reference list. Finally a concluding section deals briefly with facies identification and points the ways towards facies interpretations, and the identification of sequences and cycles. Key Features: Full colour throughout with improved photos, figures and diagrams in a modern layout. Complete revision and update of best selling textbook which is part of the highly successful Field Guide series. Expanded sections on trace fossils and volcaniclastics along with updated reference list. Handy pocket size with laminated cover. Includes supplementary website with downloadable logging sheets for fieldwork activities.

Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks. Process and Interpretation Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks. Process and Interpretation

Автор: Kenneth Kodama P.

Год издания: 

This book describes the paleomagnetism of sediments and sedimentary rocks, how sediments and sedimentary rocks become magnetized, and how the physical and chemical processes involved can affect the accuracy of paleomagnetism. Topics covered include depositional and post-depositional remanence acquisition, the detection and correction of compaction-caused inclination shallowing, reduction diagenesis of magnetic minerals, chemical remagnetization, and rotation of remanence by grain-scale rock strain. The book also has a chapter on environmental paleomagnetism, including examples of the new technique of high-resolution rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy and its application to sedimentary sequences. By emphasising the accuracy of sedimentary paleomagnetism and the magnitude of post-depositional processes that can affect it, the book will be invaluable in the geologic interpretation of sedimentary paleomagnetic data. Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks will be welcomed by paleomagnetists, students of paleomagnetism and all Earth scientists who use sedimentary paleomagnetic data in their research. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/kodama/paleomagnetism.