Now in its fourth edition, Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits has become a standard text for veterinary pathologists, laboratory animal veterinarians, students, and others interested in these species. • The standard reference on the pathogenesis and cardinal diagnostic features of diseases of mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits • Expanded coverage of rabbit disease, normal anatomic features, and biology • Over 450 color photographs illustrating gross and microscopic pathology • Companion website offering images from the text in PowerPoint Получить ссылку |
Deep Rabbits
Автор: Ivan Demin
Год издания:
Мне не довелось увидеть мир, о котором мне столь много и красочно рассказывали. Я лишь знаю, что они уничтожили его, превратили не просто в руины, а в нечто более опасное, чужеродное, неподвластное человеческому пониманию. Глубокие кролики это сделали – сказал мне он, оставив меня в полном недоумении. Они всегда жили среди нас и продолжают жить, даже тогда, когда человечеству настал полный крах…
Rabbits For Dummies
Автор: Audrey Pavia
Год издания:
Your hands-on guide to being a responsible rabbit owner Want to raise a happy, healthy bunny? This practical guide gives you everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a rabbit. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its home to training, healthcare, and having fun with your bunny, you get a wealth of expert tips that will have your rabbit (and you) hopping with joy! Jump into bunny basics – decide whether a rabbit is the right pet for you, discover the different breeds, and find out the best places to adopt your bunny Take care of creature comforts – from housing and grooming to feeding and healthcare, provide the best care for your friend Practice bunny «psychology» – understand bunny body language and sounds, handle behavior issues, and train your bunny to do tricks and use the litter box Enjoy the wonderful world of rabbits – play games with your bunny, join clubs and organizations, show your rabbit, and make traveling with bunny easy Open the book and find: Informative photos and illustrations Detailed breed descriptions How to think like a rabbit Tips for handling bad bunny behavior The latest on organic cuisine and homegrown feeding options Games to play with your rabbit How to live with an indoor bunny (which is recommended!) Ten signs that require emergency action A bunch of bunny resources – from rescue groups to registries to Web sites
Understanding Laboratory Investigations. A Guide for Nurses, Midwives and Health Professionals
Автор: Chris Higgins
Год издания:
The purpose of this book is to help nurses, midwives and health professionals to better understand how the work of clinical laboratories contributes to patient care. It answers the following questions: Why is this test being ordered on my patient? What sort of sample is required? How is that sample obtained? And most importantly: What is the significance of the test result for my patient? Retaining its accessible and user-friendly style, the aim of this book remains the same: to provide nurses with as much relevant information as possible about the most commonly requested laboratory rests. This is not a book about laboratory technique – its focus is on the clinical significance of test results, and therefore the patient. The third edition is more comprehensive in terms of the number of tests discussed, incorporates colour to aid the accessibility, and includes more paediatric content.
Buying and Selling Laboratory Instruments. A Practical Consulting Guide
Автор: Marvin McMaster C.
Год издания:
A time-tested, systematic approach to the buying and selling of complex research instruments Searching for the best laboratory instruments and systems can be a daunting and expensive task. A poorly selected instrument can dramatically affect results produced and indirectly affect research papers, the quality of student training, and an investigator's chances for advancement. Buying and Selling Laboratory Instruments offers the valuable insights of an analytical chemist and consultant with over four decades of experience in locating instruments based upon both need and price. It helps all decision makers find the best equipment, service, and support while avoiding the brand-loyalty bias of sales representatives so you can fully meet your laboratory's requirements. The first section of the book guides buyers through the hurdles of funding, purchasing, and acquiring best-fit instruments at the least-expensive price. It explains how to find vendors that support their customers with both knowledgeable service and application support. Also offered is guidance on adapting your existing instruments to new applications, integrating new equipment, and what to do with instruments that can no longer serve in research mode. The second section explains the sales process in detail. This is provided both as a warning against manipulative sales reps and as a guide to making the sale a win-win process for you and your vendor. It also shows you how to select a knowledgeable technical guru to help determine the exact system configuration you need and where to find the best price for it. Added bonuses are summary figures of buying sequence and sales tools and an appendix containing frequently asked questions and memory aids. Buying and Selling Laboratory Instruments is for people directly involved in selecting and buying instruments for operational laboratories, from the principle investigator to the person actually delegated with investigating and selecting the system to be acquired. Sales representatives; laboratory managers; universities; pharmaceutical, biotech, and forensic research firms; corporate laboratories; graduate and postdoctoral students; and principle investigators will not want to be without this indispensible guide.
Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology
Автор: Kenneth Latimer S.
Год издания:
Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a highly accessible outline format. With information on all major domestic species, the text is designed for the reader to quickly find answers to clinical questions. Taking a problem-solving approach to the interpretation of laboratory data, this book includes clinical cases to illustrate the concepts of laboratory data interpretation, with tables and key words to aid readers in locating and applying information. The fifth edition has been fully revised to reflect the latest knowledge, diagnostic methods, and practices in veterinary laboratory medicine. A companion website provides the images in PowerPoint and references linked to PubMed at www.wiley.com/go/latimer. Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine is an excellent quick reference for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, clinical interns and residents, and pathology residents.
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