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Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel

Автор: Matthew Tindal

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel / [Matthew Tindal]».

A commentary on the book of Psalms A commentary on the book of Psalms

Автор: George Horne

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A commentary on the book of Psalms, in which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to King David and the people of Israel, is illustrated; and their application to Messiah, to the Church, and to individuals ... is pointed out : with a view to render the use of the Psalter pleasing and profitable to all ... Christians : in 2 vol. Vol. 2».

Les contes ou les nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis, de bonaventure des Periers, varlet de Chambre de la Royane de Navarre. T. 1 Les contes ou les nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis, de bonaventure des Periers, varlet de Chambre de la Royane de Navarre. T. 1

Автор: Bernard de La Monnoye

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Les contes ou les nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis, de bonaventure des Periers, varlet de Chambre de la Royane de Navarre : Tome 1 : avec des notes historiques & critiques / par M. de La Monnoye».

De l'influence de la reformation de Luther sur la croyance religieuse, la politique et les progres des lumieres De l'influence de la reformation de Luther sur la croyance religieuse, la politique et les progres des lumieres

Автор: Denis Robelot

Год издания: 

Примечание: О влиянии реформации Лютера на религиозные верования, политику и просвещение. Полный вариант заголовка: «De l'influence de la reformation de Luther sur la croyance religieuse, la politique et les progres des lumieres / Par Robelot, ancien chanoine de l'eglise cathedrale de Dijon».

The 7 Words of Creation The 7 Words of Creation

Автор: Meckron Seraph

Год издания: 

The ancient World was created with the 7 Words of Creation, which are in the form of 7 magical artifacts. When a person weilds it, it gives the bearer an enourmous power to change the Allness.Long time ago, the Words of Power got split into 14 opposites…One day, an ordinary 14-year-old boy, named Joshua, finds a mystical pocket watch under an old bench in the park of a small town. It seems a perfectly normal watch, although it is showing the wrong time. When he accidentally drops it in the coffee shop, something happens! The coldness arises and he relives a few seconds of that moment twice. The time on the watch had changed. Does the watch really show the wrong time? Or is it the only „right time” in the world? Who`s watch is it?These questions drive young Joshua to find answers.In passing days, when he tries to grab on to the normal school-life that he used to believe was everything real in the world for him, he suddenly meets a mystical young woman, arriving with the eclipse. With her beautiful brown hair and unexampled gloomy amulet, she grabs him, pushing him against the wall, telling him that she is from the Coven sent to protect him and that she is called sister Kayden. She tells him that there are people after him, dark people with unnatural power, to claim the Watch – the Seventh Word of Creation – for their own, and suggesting him to run!…