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I sessuologi dicono che quasi il 30% degli uomini adulti affronta questo problema costantemente o di volta in volta.Nel nostro manuale, consigli semplici e metodi semplici come evitare l’ipersensibilita maschile e prolungare al massimo i rapporti sessuali con una ragazza.

Просто – semplicemente. Трилогия. Часть II. «Игры» Просто – semplicemente. Трилогия. Часть II. «Игры»

Автор: Елена Галлиади

Год издания: 

Взрослые люди тоже играют в игры, полностью погружаясь в процесс. Иногда эти игры могут стоить им жизни, но они не останавливаются и самозабвенно двигаются вперед к своему собственному концу. В жизни, как и в шахматах, есть свои короли и пешки, но это вовсе не значит, что король находится в более выгодном положении, он такой же участник игры, ведь есть еще та рука, которая двигает фигуры.

Просто – semplicemente. Трилогия. Часть III. «Маски» Просто – semplicemente. Трилогия. Часть III. «Маски»

Автор: Елена Галлиади

Год издания: 

Мы все носим тысячи масок и одеваем их сообразно обстоятельствам. Можем быть милыми и сострадательными, иногда немного глупыми, порой грубыми и нахальными. И для кого-то может стать шоком, когда близкий человек снимает последнюю свою маску, чтобы показать настоящее лицо, а под ней оказывается звериный оскал.

Como aprender a experimentar el orgasmo. Practica desde «principio» hasta «final». Escrito por una mujer que puede llegar muy facilmente al orgasmo Como aprender a experimentar el orgasmo. Practica desde «principio» hasta «final». Escrito por una mujer que puede llegar muy facilmente al orgasmo

Автор: Вероника Ларссон

Год издания: 

No todas las mujeres y ninas saben como obtener un orgasmo. ?Algunas personas toda mi vida no saben lo que es! ?Y ellos consideran esto una norma! Si desea aprender como obtener un orgasmo, este manual lo ayudara. Aprendera como excitarse correctamente, estimular las zonas necesarias, obtener un orgasmo sin un hombre, sin siquiera tocarse con las manos, «ordenar» un orgasmo en un sueno. El manual tambien puede ser util para los hombres, para comprender por que sus amigos no pueden…

Come imparare a provare l'orgasmo. Esercitati da “inizio” a “fine”. Scritto da una donna che puo raggiungere molto facilmente l’orgasmo Come imparare a provare l'orgasmo. Esercitati da “inizio” a “fine”. Scritto da una donna che puo raggiungere molto facilmente l’orgasmo

Автор: Вероника Ларссон

Год издания: 

Non tutte le donne e le ragazze sanno come ottenere un orgasmo. Alcune persone per tutta la vita non sanno cosa sia! E considerano questa una norma! Se vuoi imparare come ottenere un orgasmo, questo manuale ti aiutera. Imparerai come eccitarti, stimolare le zone necessarie, ottenere un orgasmo senza un uomo, senza nemmeno toccarti con le mani, «ordinare» un orgasmo in un sogno.

Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders

Автор: Phil Rich

Год издания: 

Praise for Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Second Edition «The Second Edition of Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders showcases Phil Rich's experience and mastery of the research and clinical literature. In my view, this is an excellent therapy book and, like its predecessor, will help practitioners to work effectively and ethically with juvenile offenders. It is destined to become a classic.» —Tony Ward, PhD, DipClinPsy; Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand «Phil Rich is considered one of the world's leading authorities on how best to understand, assess, and treat juvenile sexual offenders, and this Second Edition of his excellent text shows why he is held in such high regard. All theoreticians, researchers, and practitioners whose work brings them in contact with juvenile sexual offenders should definitely read this remarkable book.» —W. L. Marshall, OC, FRSC, PhD; Director, Rockwood Psychological Services, Ontario, Canada «Phil Rich's book, Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Second Edition offers new and thought-provoking ideas, updates, and information, especially on developmental pathways. This book is one of the few publications on juvenile sexual offending that offers something new and revealing to the field.» —Robert E. Longo, LPC, NCC, ACS, BCIA-EEG, BCN; Serendipity Healing Arts, Lexington, North Carolina «Phil Rich masterfully fills the gap in the juvenile sexual offender treatment literature with a book that is neither introductory nor narrowly specialized. Seasoned veterans will appreciate his thoughtful and studied approach. Newcomers will find this book a vital go-to resource.» —David Prescott, LICSW, Clinical Director, Becket Family of Services, Falmouth, Maine «Mind-blowingly brilliant—Rich by name and rich in depth, detail, description, and debate. An instant classic, Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Second Edition is both comprehensive and challenging with its material and messages, yet reassuringly accessible and practical.» —Martin C. Calder, Calder Social Work Training and Consultancy, Leigh, Lancashire, UK THE LANDMARK TEXT FOR WORKING WITH JUVENILE SEXUAL OFFENDERS AND UNDERSTANDING SEXUALLY ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS—NOW FULLY REVISED Thoroughly revised, the Second Edition of Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders guides mental health professionals through the breadth of assessment and intervention methods available for working with this special population, providing a succinct yet complete survey of the field, the etiological development of sexually abusive behavior in juveniles, and a reliable resource for assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation.