Скачать книгу - ?Es posible curar completamente el genotipo 1b? Cu?ntos a?os viven con hepatitis C

Aun asi, dicho virus se llama “japones”, porque sus paises de origen son Japon, Taiwan y China. Algunos informes afirman que la madre patria de este virus es Extremo Oriente de Rusia…

Living With Hepatitis C For Dummies Living With Hepatitis C For Dummies

Автор: Nina L. Paul

Год издания: 

A comprehensive, empathetic guide for anyone suffering from this serious liver disease Approximately 4 million Americans and 170 million people worldwide suffer from hepatitis C, a viral liver disease that is treatable but not curable. It accounts for more than 40 percent of U.S. liver disease deaths-about 8,000 to 10,000 people annually-and is the most common reason for liver transplantation. This compassionate guide explains how hepatitis C affects the liver and the body and provides solid advice on today's treatment options-from drugs (and their side effects) to transplants and alternative therapies-as well as tips on dealing with the emotional and financial burdens the disease brings with it. Nina L Paul, PhD (New York, NY) earned her doctorate in infectious disease epidemiology and immunology from Yale University. She has researched viruses (human immunodeficiency virus and others) and the immune system.

Modus vivendi – Цифровая экономика Modus vivendi – Цифровая экономика

Автор: Егор Лисицин

Год издания: 

В этой книге читатель найдёт полное описание и причины создания действительной цифровой экономики, как совершенно необходимого и достаточного формата современной реальности и существования вообще.

Convivencia: религиозные меньшинства средневековой Испании Convivencia: религиозные меньшинства средневековой Испании

Автор: Г. В. Попова

Год издания: 

Is it possible to completely cure genotype 1b. How many years live with hepatitis C Is it possible to completely cure genotype 1b. How many years live with hepatitis C

Автор: Christian Bernard

Год издания: 

Still, such a virus is called “Japanese”, because its native countries are Japan, Taiwan and China. Some reports state that the motherland of this virus is Far East Russia…

E possibile curare completamente il genotipo 1b. Quanti anni vivono con l’epatite C E possibile curare completamente il genotipo 1b. Quanti anni vivono con l’epatite C

Автор: Christian Bernard

Год издания: 

Tuttavia, un tale virus si chiama “giapponese”, perche i suoi paesi nativi sono Giappone, Taiwan e Cina. Alcuni rapporti affermano che la madrepatria di questo virus e la Russia dell’Estremo Oriente…