Скачать книгу - Joulud Knights Bridge’is

Jouluaja roomud ja romantika New Englandis Clare Morgan on valmis uueks alguseks, kui ta kolib koos vaikese poja Oweniga Massachusettsi vaiksesse Knights Bridge’i linna. Kuus aastat tagasi leseks jaanud Clare asub toole linna raamatukogu juhatajana. Ta on tanulik sooja vastuvotu eest, mida tema ja Owen saavad, ning tunneb toelist roomu, valmistades raamatukogu ette iga-aastasteks puhadeks. Clare loodab, et sulandub oma uude ellu aeglaselt. Siis kohtub ta Bostoni kiirabiarsti Logan Farrelliga, kes on linnas, et aidata oma eakal vanaemal end hooldekodus sisse seada. Aeglane ei ole sona, mida Logan naib moistvat. Harjunud kiiretempolise suurlinnaeluga, ei kavatse ta Knights Bridge’i kauaks jaada. Kuid vanaproual Daisy Farrellil on teised motted ja ta varbab pojapoja kaunistama jouludeks oma maja linnavaljakul veel viimast korda enne selle muukipanekut. Logan otsib Clare’ilt abi ja uheskoos seavad nad maja jouluehtesse. Oma abi eest saab Clare loa vanaema raamatud labi vaadata ja valida neist osa raamatukogu joulumuugiks. Samal ajal kui Clare ja Logan vanaema maja puhadeks korda seavad, ei oska kumbki neist oodata vastastikust kiindumust. Nad teavad paremini kui enamik inimesi koigist poorastest asjadest, mis elus juhtuda voivad, ent iga asi Knights Bridge’is ja selles maagilises aastaajas kutsub neid avanema uutele voimalustele… ja uuele armastusele. Sarja eelnevad raamatud: Kaotatud suve saladused. Esimene raamat See oo Ohaka teel. Teine raamat Siidrioja. Kolmas raamat Kajajarv. Neljas raamat Kevad Samblamael. Viies raamat Voorastemaja Punane Ristik. Kuues raamat

Adobe Bridge Versioncue CS3. Руководство пользователя. Adobe Bridge Versioncue CS3. Руководство пользователя.

Автор: Adobe Systems Inc.

Год издания: 

Adobe Bridge Versioncue CS3. Руководство пользователя. Программа Bridge Versioncue CS3, поставляемая в составе Adobe Creative Suite 3, предназначена для организации, просмотра и поиска ресурсов, необходимых для создания содержимого для полиграфической продукции, Интернета, телевидения, DVD, кинофильмов и мобильных устройств. Bridge одинаково легко обеспечивает доступ к файлам программ Adobe (таким как PSD или PDF) и файлам иных программ. C помощью этой программы можно перетаскивать ресурсы в макеты, проекты и композиции, просматривать файлы и даже вносить в них метаданные (информацию о файле), что облегчает последующий поиск.

Photoshop CS2 Raw: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera Photoshop CS2 Raw: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera

Автор: Aaland Mikkel

Год издания: 

The RAW file format is the uncompressed data file captured by a digital camera's electronic sensor. When your camera saves an image in RAW format, settings like white balance, sharpening, contrast and saturation are not applied to the image but are saved instead in a separate header. Because RAW files remain virtually untouched by in-camera processing, they are essentially the digital equivalent to exposed but undeveloped film. This makes RAW an increasingly popular format with amateur and professional digital photographers, because it affords greater flexibility and control during the editing process-if you know how to work with RAW files. Most digital camera manufacturers supply their own software for converting RAW data, as do some third party vendors. Increasingly, however, the RAW converter of choice is a plug-in included in the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, the most popular and widely-used digital image editing tool in the world. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is emerging as the best place to edit RAW images, and the best way to master this new format is with Photoshop CS2 RAW. An important book dedicated to working with RAW in Photoshop, this comprehensive guide features a unique design that helps readers grasp the subject through visual instruction and prompts. The entire RAW process is explored, from shooting to using the Adobe plug-in converter and new Bridge navigation software. The primary focus of Photoshop RAW is, as the title suggests, Photoshop editing technique: automating RAW workflow, correcting exposures, extending exposure range, manipulating grayscale and working with the new DNG (Digital Negative) open standard that Adobe supports. Presented by photographer Mikkel Aaland, a pioneer of digital photography and author of eight books, including O"Reilly"s Photoshop for the Web and the award-winning Shooting Digital, Photoshop CS2 RAW investigates and instructs in an accessible visual style. Required reading for professionals and dedicated photo hobbyists alike.

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Carbuncle. The Problem of Thor Bridge Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Carbuncle. The Problem of Thor Bridge

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

Аудиокнига предназначена для развития навыков аудирования и чтения и адресована учащимся 7–8 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, студентам колледжей и неязыковых вузов, а также лицам, изучающим английский язык самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя (базовый словарь около 1400 слов). Рассказы Артура Конан Дойля о знаменитом сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе – «Голубой карбункул» и «Загадка Торского моста» – адаптированы и прочитаны носителем языка. Аудиокнига содержит также информацию о творчестве писателя (материалы для топика), словарь к каждой части, вопросы и задания, позволяющие контролировать понимание содержания и развивать навыки устной речи. Наряду с фонограммой на диске имеются тексты рассказов, которые могут быть использованы для облегчения восприятия аудиозаписи.

A Joust of Knights A Joust of Knights

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

In A JOUST OF KNIGHTS, Thorgrin and his brothers follow Guwayne’s trail at sea, pursuing him to the Isle of Light. But as they reach the ravaged isle and the dying Ragon, all may be just too late. Darius finds himself brought to the Empire capital, and to the greatest arena of them all. He is trained by a mysterious man who is determined to forge him into a warrior, and to help him survive the impossible. But the capital arena is unlike anything Darius has seen, and its formidable foes may be too intense for even he to conquer. Gwendolyn is pulled into the heart of the family dynamics of the royal court of the Ridge, as the King and Queen beg her for a favor. On a quest to unearth secrets that can change the very future of the Ridge and save Thorgrin and Guwayne, Gwen is shocked by what she discovers as she digs too deep. Erec and Alistair’s bonds deepen as they sail further upriver, into the heart of the Empire, determined to find Volusia and save Gwendolyn – while Godfrey and his crew wreak havoc within Volusia, determined to avenge their friends. And Volusia herself learns what it means to rule the Empire, as she finds her precarious capital embattled from all sides. With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A JOUST OF KNIGHTS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders.

Lord Falconbridge Lord Falconbridge

Автор: Arthur Conan Doyle

Год издания: 

Kogumik Sherlock Holmsi lugude autorilt, kus juttu tuleb noorest poksijast, kel seisab ees ennekuulmatutel tingimustel poksimats, juhtumist merel, kus naisele paistab ilmuvat tema surnud abikaasa jt.