Скачать книгу - 100 Of The Best Curses and Insults In Spanish: A Toolkit for the Testy Tourist

For When You Need Just the Right WordTravelling is fantastic – we don't deny it. But sometimes when you're in another country, stuff happens. A thieving kid lifts your wallet, a cab driver nearly kills you, or a waiter charges you $25 for bottled water. You feel powerless without the ability to do what you really want to do – curse them out.Help is at hand! Here are 100 of the best curses and insults in Spanish so the next time a waiter in Valencia refers to you as a yanqui or a pushy guitarrista in Barcelona assaults you with romantic serenades, you'll know precisely how to say, ?Come mierdes!

Google App Engine Java и Google Web Toolkit: разработка Web-приложений Google App Engine Java и Google Web Toolkit: разработка Web-приложений

Автор: Тимур Машнин

Год издания: 

Книга посвящена разработке Web-приложений для платформы Google App Engine и на основе фреймворка Google Web Toolkit на языке программирования Java и с использованием среды разработки Eclipse. Рассмотрено создание проектов и запуск GWT-приложений и приложений для Google App Engine. Описано использование программного интерфейса служб платформы Google App Engine, создание GUI-интерфейса на основе фреймворка Google Web Toolkit, оптимизация и интернационализация GWT-приложения. Показано применение фреймворков UiBinder и Activities and Places для разработки клиентской части GWT-приложения, а также фреймворков GWT RPC и RequestFactory для разработки серверной части GWT-приложения. Материал книги сопровождается большим количеством примеров с подробным анализом исходных кодов. Для программистов.

Tourist Mosaic of Belarus Tourist Mosaic of Belarus

Автор: А. И. Локотко

Год издания: 

52 local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage are considered. They were pointed out for the first time in scientific practice on the basis of analysis of peculiarities of natural and landscape environment, system of settlements, communications, development of settlements, traditional material and spiritual culture of all regions of the republic. The maps of local historical and cultural territories are provided. The prospective tourist routes (land, water, etc.) are proposed in the described local districts of comprehensive historical and cultural heritage on the basis of the existing natural components, preserved monuments and relics of architecture, history, national art of building, ethnography, and museums in operation. Offers and recommendations how to preserve and use the objects of historical and cultural heritage of small towns and historical rural settlements of Belarus are provided. Names of places on skeleton maps have been made in accordance with International cartographic rules and they could be different from corresponding ones in the text.

An expose on the dissentions of Spanish America An expose on the dissentions of Spanish America

Автор: William Walton

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «An expose on the dissentions of Spanish America : intended as a means to induce the mediatory interference of Great Britain, in order to put an end to a destructive civil war and to establish permanent quiet and prosperity, on a basis consistent with the dignity of Spain, and the interests of the world : respectfully addressed to His Royal Highness the Regent of the United Kingdom / by William Walton».

The ABC of Qualimetry. The Toolkit for Measuring Immeasurable The ABC of Qualimetry. The Toolkit for Measuring Immeasurable

Автор: Garry G. Azgaldov

Год издания: 

The publication provides basic information on the history, theory and practice of qualimetry. The Appendix contains an example implementation of the algorithm quality assessment using a simplified method. The book is intended for all those whose professional activity is connected with the quantitative evaluation of quality and the creation of qualitative techniques: students and University teachers, researchers, evaluators, quality assurance specialists, and HR-specialists.

The comparative typology of Spanish and English. Texts, story and anecdotes for reading, translating and retelling in Spanish and English, adapted by © Linguistic Rescue method (level A1—A2) The comparative typology of Spanish and English. Texts, story and anecdotes for reading, translating and retelling in Spanish and English, adapted by © Linguistic Rescue method (level A1—A2)

Автор: Tatiana Oliva Morales

Год издания: 

All texts, a story and anecdotes for the translation from Spanish into Russian and English and from English into Spanish of the book adapted by foreign words-tips on © Linguistic Rescue method. There are keys for all the texts, a story and anecdotes. In this book I tried to uncover the main difficulties encountered on the way of learning Spanish and English languages, the difficulties which are the reason of the most common mistakes of the students.