Скачать книгу - Hitler’s Terror Weapons: The Price of Vengeance

Did Hitler’s use of unproven exotic weapons cost him the war? Were they worth the price? What effect did the V weapons have on Allied plans, morale and supplies? Roy Irons also investigates Hitler’s thirst for revenge following 1918 and his dread when Russian victories and Allied bombing began to shadow the Third Reich.Roy Irons' fascinating book investigates whether Hitler's campaign would have been a greater success if he had put fewer resources into experimental weapons of revenge such as the V-2 rocket and the V-1 Doodle-bug. Enormous resources were poured into these experimental projects, often inspired by Hitler's thirst for revenge after the collapse of Germany in 1918 and his dread of a recurrence when Russian victories and allied bombing began to cast grim and ever-growing shadows over the Third Reich. He considers such questions as what effect the bombardment really had on London's morale and on Allied supplies through the port of Antwerp? Were these weapons really worth the price? With a foreword by Professor Richard Overy and fascinating images from the Imperial War Museum and Public Record Office, this is a unique account of this key element of the Second World War.

Tales of Terror and Mystery Tales of Terror and Mystery

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

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Tales of Terror and Mystery is a collection of Arthur Conan Doyle stories including: Tales of Terror: "The Horror of the Heights", "The Leather Funnel", "The New Catacomb", "The Case of Lady Sannox", "The Terror of Blue John Gap", "The Brazilian Cat". Tales of Mystery: "The Lost Special", "The Beetle-Hunter", "The Man with the Watches", "The Japanned Box", "The Black Doctor", "The Jew's Breastplate".

Who set Hitler against Stalin? Who set Hitler against Stalin?

Автор: Николай Стариков

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This book will tell you who stirred Hitler into his suicidal decision to attack Stalin. It will tell you who were the real godfathers of the worst catastrophe in the history of Russia that went off on June 22, 1941. You will learn who gave money to Hitler and his party, helping the Nazi to power. Revealed in this book is the real reason behind the Nazi regime – aggression against the USSR to correct a previous blunder of Western intelligence that had led to Bolshevism in Russia. Instead of quietly disappearing with their loot, Lenin and his crew remained in the country and pieced it together into a global superpower, refusing to give it over to the West. Abundant evidence cited in this book helps trace the whole logic of events starting from September 1919 up to June 1941. The reader will emerge enlightened about who were the true preachers and masterminds of World War II, and who must share responsibility with the Nazi for their hideous crimes.

Episodios Nacionales: El terror de 1824 Episodios Nacionales: El terror de 1824

Автор: Benito Perez Galdos

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Ma armastasin terroristi Ma armastasin terroristi

Автор: Anna Sundberg, Jesper Huor

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See on toestisundinud lugu Anna Sundbergist, noorest healjarjel keskklassi rootsi naisest, kes liitub dzihadistidega ja jaab nendega16 aastaks. Tema lugu saab alguse 1994. aastal uksikust salafistidegrupeeringust Rootsis. Naine jargneb oma abikaasale, kelle USA kuulutab hiljemulemaailmselt tagaotsitavaks terroristiks, ning satub nii Tsetseeniasasuvasse salajasse treeninglaagrisse kui ka Bashar al-Assadi vanglasusteemi.Anna Sundbergi tunnistus on erakordne ja seda ka rahvusvahelises plaanis. Islamoli esialgu naise jaoks taiesti uus viis maailma tolgendada. Ta oli volutudkenadest usule puhendunud meestest, keda nais huvitavat rohkem naiste sisemineilu kui valjanagemine. Ent Anna Sundberg pigistas silmad kinni paljudeselliste asjade ees, mis oli meeste kaitumises ebainimlikku ja isegikuritegelikku. Vaid moned mehed, ja peaaegu mitte ukski naine, on julgenud voi saanudavalikult raakida dzihadistide igapaevaelust. Lugu, mille Anna raamatukaasautori Jesper Huori abil esitab, on korraga intrigeeriv ja hirmutav. See ontema tee ekstremismi ja sealt valja. Ta soovib oma jutustusega naidata, et omaelu on voimalik muuta ja inimesed ei pea elama salaparase plekiga omaminevikus. „Ma tahan, et mu lapsed voiksid olla minu ule uhked, et julgesinseda teha,” kirjutab Anna.

Dictatorship vs. Democracy (Terrorism and Communism): a reply to Karl Kantsky Dictatorship vs. Democracy (Terrorism and Communism): a reply to Karl Kantsky

Автор: Trotsky Leon

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