Скачать книгу - Grossopedia: A Startling Collection of Repulsive Trivia You Won’t Want to Know!

GRUESOME, DISGUSTING, AND ABSOLUTELY VILE! Loaded with hundreds of disgusting, repulsive, gruesome, and loathsome facts, this is by far the foulest collection of trivia around. Try not to gag as your read about bad breath, bile, burps, ear wax, scabs, sneezes, snot, spit, and sweat. Avert your eyes or discover the truth about flesh-eating bacteria, maggots, sour milk, rotten fruit, and toe jam. With gross-out facts about animals, the human body, the environment, cultures around the world, and the nasties of your very own home, you won’t be able to stop reading – though maybe you’ll wish you had! GROSS TOPICS: Animal kingdom, including fire-ant nests and shark’s spiral poop Human body, including bad breath, farts, pus, and rigor mortis Around the house, including dead skin cells and pillow mites History, including Black Plague and guillotine clean-up Environment, including the amount of pee in public pools, litter in outer space, and sewage in oceans Disgusting customs, including being buried alive, maggot-infested-cheese, and the Moose Dropping Festival Medicine, including maggot therapy and uses of crocodile poop

Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. Collection Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. Collection

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

Аудиокнига на английском и русском языках. Издается без сокращений. The Five Orange Pips Adventure of the Noble Bachelor Пять апельсиновых зернышек Приключение благородного холостяка

Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires

Автор: Aristide Michel Perrot

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires, existant chez les differens peuples du monde, suivie d' un tableau chronologique des ordres etaints ... / Par A. M. Perrot».

Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 8 Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 8

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 9 Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 9

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 10 Collection complete du Moniteur universel de Paris. T. 10

Автор: Группа авторов

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