Скачать книгу - Mad for it: From Blackpool to Barcelona: Football’s Greatest Rivalries

A celebration of the classic football derby matches. From the Celtic–Rangers rivalry and Tyneside derby to the biggest global clashes from Barcelona to Buenos Aires, journalist Andy Mitten uses the fans' own words and stories to illuminate the conflicts, tensions, histories and culture behind these fascinating games.From Belfast to Barcelona, Buenos Aires to Bogota, these are football matches that are far more than a game.Often a microcosm of life in a city, there are countless rivalries between clubs which are steeped in a historical enmity based on class, religion, politics, envy or philosophy. Some of the games, like Rangers v Celtic, are renowned for their vocal sectarianism, others like Tenerife v Las Palmas for their eclectic fan base, while little or nothing is known about the derbies in Cairo and Calcutta which attracts twice as many fans as any Old Firm clash.Andy Mitten journeys across the UK and the far-flung regions of planet football, talking to a host of passionate fans – from the vividly ordinary, working-class supporters to the corporate box brigade who think nothing of hopping on a plane for their weekend jaunt to the exotic cities of Madrid, Barcelona or Milan – and gets to share their highs and lows. This in turn provides a fresh and revealing insight into the people who make these matches matter – the fans – using their own words and stories to illuminate the conflicts, tension and histories behind the games. He also interviews players, managers, politicians, local journalists and agents drawing out differing opinions and perspectives on the beautiful game.Among the highlights:Celtic v Rangers, Man Utd v Liverpool, Cliftonville v Linfield, Sunderland v Newcastle, Preston v Blackpool, Barcelona v Real Madrid, Roma v Lazio, Boca Juniors v River Plate, Fenerbache v Galatasaray, Ajax v Feyenoord, the Faroe Islands derby, the Calcutta Derby, and the worst derby on the planet, alongside many more.

Total Football №10 (октябрь 2009) Total Football №10 (октябрь 2009)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

В номере: РОССИЯ - ГЕРМАНИЯ: Полный расклад матча года БУНДЕСЛИГА: Обзор немецкого чемпионата ВЛАДИМИР БЫСТРОВ: Любовь и ненависть FIFA 10: Сергей Семак представляет ПОСТЕРЫ: Аршавин и сборная России

Minu Barcelona. Mae ja mere embuses Minu Barcelona. Mae ja mere embuses

Автор: Mirjam Johannes

Год издания: 

Katalooniat voib pidada Hispaania pohjalaks, muutilise Louna- ja Pohja-Euroopa mentaliteedi kokkupuutepunktiks, kus harjavoitlused on keelatud, siestat ei peeta ja igauhel leidub tagataskus vaike ariplaan. Barcelona on katalaanide kantsi pealinn, mille massumeelne loomus Hispaania kuningriigil rahulikult suikuda ei lase.Tulin Barcelonasse vahetusuliopilaseks, pikendasin seda imede aega magistrantuuri vorra ja kui vabandused otsa said, jain pariseks. Barcelona on muinasjutumaa, kus koik leiavad selle, mida parasjagu otsivad. Vabameelsuse. Muretuse. Ettearvamatuse. Mitmekesisuse. Koostegemise roomu. Armastuse. Aga ka too ja kodu.Ees ootavad ilusad rohelised maenolvad, mida paev-paevalt vallutada, ja Vahemere kaldapealne, kus kaimisest vasinud jalad vette lukata. Ees ootavad pikad traditsioonid ja unistuste tulevik. Ees ootab linn, kus on koik voimalik, sest inimesed mahuvad uksteise korvale ara. Linn, kus vastandid ei valista, vaid taiendavad uksteist.

A History of Pendennis. Volume 1. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy A History of Pendennis. Volume 1. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy

Автор: Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей

Год издания: 

Akiva and Rachel. One of the greatest love stories of all time Akiva and Rachel. One of the greatest love stories of all time

Автор: Gertz (Gertcel) Davydov

Год издания: 

This book draws the reader’s attention to the story of high love that existed 2000 years ago between Rabbi Akiva and Rachel as described in the Talmud. Thanks to his wife Rachel, Akiva went from being an illiterate shepherd to becoming one of the greatest wise-men in Jewish history.This story took place approximately two thousand years ago and since then has been passed from generation to generation as an example of the idea of high love in a relationship between a man and a woman.

American Football American Football

Автор: Camp Walter

Год издания: