Скачать книгу - Tilly Bagshawe 3-book Bundle: Scandalous, Fame, Friends and Rivals

The incredible three book collection from international best-selling author Tilly BagshaweScandalous:Sasha Miller comes to Cambridge with a dream and leaves on a mission. After falling for the lies and charms of her Director of Studies ‘Theo Dexter’ she finds herself betrayed, humiliated and nursing a bundle of broken dreams. Heading to the US she is determined to rebuild her life.Years later, Sasha emerges from Harvard Business School with one thing on her mind, the downfall of the now famous Professor Theo Dexter.Fame:Plucked from obscurity at the age of seventeen, Sabrina Leon is the new darling of the film scene, bagging lead roles in the hottest Hollywood movies. But a youtube sensation on the web is about to destroy everything she's fought for…After a bitter feud with a rival producer, hotshot movie producer Dorian Razmirez has had the plug pulled on every project he goes near. Casting the disgraced Hollywood diva Sabrina Leon in Wuthering Heights is a risk that might cost him what remains of his career.Friends and Rivals:Cat fears she is past her prime. Her philandering husband, Ivan, who she still loves passionately after twenty years of marriage, leaves her for a younger woman. Devastated, there is only one person left who Cat trusts.Ava is an innocent, plucked from obscurity and thrown into the deep-end of the glamorous world of fame. When she is pitted against Kendall, the world watches closely, wondering who will survive.As these three women try to navigate a backstabbing world of infamy, desire and fortune, will they be tempted to betray the people they hold dearest?

Friends  1 Friends 1

Автор: Carol Skinner with Mariola Boguka

Год издания: 

Это учебник английского языка. По нему проходят обучение 7-е классы по всей Украине! Книга редкая. Настолько редкая, что не у всех учеников она есть.

Щенок Прыг и его друзья / Pop the Puppy and His Friends Щенок Прыг и его друзья / Pop the Puppy and His Friends

Автор: Елена Лаптева

Год издания: 

Перед вами забавная история о щенке по имени Прыг (Pop) и его первом годе жизни в семье Хопстонов. Это веселое повествование состоит из одиннадцати глав, каждая из которых посвящена отработке какого-либо грамматического материала (какого именно, указывается под названием каждой из глав). Книга также содержит упражнения и небольшой словарик. Издание адресовано всем, кто начинает изучать английский язык (Уровень 1 – Elementary).

Funny little animals. For friends and girlfriends Funny little animals. For friends and girlfriends

Автор: Olga Kholodova

Год издания: 

A good book about the exciting adventures of the funny animals: bunnies, hedgehogs, a goose, a pig, a dog and a cat – will be interesting to young readers.

The Secrets Of Friendship. Fairy Tales From Magic Forests The Secrets Of Friendship. Fairy Tales From Magic Forests

Автор: N. R. Vasilyeva

Год издания: 

Many people need true friends and so do creatures from magic forests. Seven fairy tales will lift a lid on important secrets of friendship, help children find true friends and maintain friendships.“The Secrets Of Friendship” is children’s literature with elements of fantasy and adventure.

Faro Nell and Her Friends: Wolfville Stories Faro Nell and Her Friends: Wolfville Stories

Автор: Lewis Alfred Henry

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