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A captivating tale of forbidden passion and wartime friendship from the bestselling author of THE WILLOW POOL and ONE SUMMER AT DEER’S LEAP.It's 1940 and the threat of invasion hangs over Britain. But in the isolated hamlet of Nun Ainsty it is the arrival of the Army that turns things turned upside down – especially for two young women.Lorna Hatherwood, married to a man ten years older, lives a quiet life. Then she volunteers to read to blind soldiers at the nearby Manor and everything changes – because of a handsome medical officer named Ewan MacMillan. But their relationship could spell disaster…Then there is Ness Nightingale. A Land Girl billeted with Lorna, Ness is trying to forget a disastrous love affair. But when she meets Mick Hardie, a conscientious objector, she has to remind herself that she has vowed never to trust a man again …

The Ascent The Ascent

Автор: Людмила Князева

Год издания: 

The life of hierodeacon Antony has been shaped by a cruel fate, indeed. It all began one day when he, a callow youth, was forced to leave his father’s home and overnight became a wanderer and eventually a martyr. Having first deprived him of eyesight, of hearth and home, and finally of family happiness, the cruel fate, however, was unable to break his spirit and his resolve to live an honest life following the dictates of Christian conscience. But before beginning my story about this remarkable Orthodox monk I would like to ask you first who of you could define the meaning of your life? Do any of you know for certain and exactly why you came into this world? There are those among us who choose to turn our life into a gamble with death, while others play a lifelong game of chance for financial gain. There are those for whom life is a lifelong toil to provide for their family members, to feed their near and dear ones. For the hero of my story his life became a steady ascent to the pinnacle of true faith and the true meaning of earthly life. So here comes the story of the life and death of hierodeacon Antony, a blind Orthodox monk.

The scent of bergamot The scent of bergamot

Автор: Рита Тальвердиева

Год издания: 

The written story is acting in unison with the reality! Summer of 2009. Professor Mikhail Marmarov, magister in astrology, investigates a very complicated murder of a movie star. The murderer doesn't sharpening his knives and doesn't watch after his victims through an optical sight. His weapon is resonance flashes: he releases trigger, which is pressed on by us. By our own dimness or ignorance, but by us. Making sure that the virtual method works, the villain, making god of himself, tries to apply his methods to the members of 2009 G-8 summit. The story ends on that note. However, Mikhail Marmarov presents to the reader an antidote. It is curious, but in few following years the majority of participants of the 2009 G-8 had been involved into most outrageous scandals, grotesque accident, natural disasters or were kicked off their office chairs or… their own lives. Novella was written in 2009 – one month before prime minister of Japan Taro Aso's total defeat at the elections. Ten months prior to prime minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown's resignation. The story was in print four months prior to scandalous Berlusconi's resignation, three months prior to death of Qaddafi, ten months before Sarkozy's election campaign failure. Till now Angela Merkel is chased by ridiculous rumors and anecdotes doing injustice to her position. Even thou Obama had won elections with tiny margin in votes, yet didn't enjoy his victory with following natural disasters. This story is not another horror tale about Apocalypses. «Often the real power of villain is not in his personality, but in our unawareness» considers Mikhail Marmarov. He has given the «antidote» against invisible killer's hand not only to high-ranking individuals but to all of us.

Ava Lavenderi isearalikud ja kaunid kannatused Ava Lavenderi isearalikud ja kaunid kannatused

Автор: Leslye Walton

Год издания: 

Paljude jaoks kehastasin muuti, olin koige imelisema legendi, muinasjutu vordkuju. Moned pidasid mind koletiseks. Mu suureks onnetuseks aeti mind kord segamini ingliga. Emale olin ma koik. Isale eikeegi. Vanaemale meenutasin iga paev ammu kaotatud armsamaid. Ent ma teadsin tode – sisimas teadsin seda kogu aeg. Ma olin lihtsalt tudruk. Mitu polvkonda Roux'sid on saanud valusa oppetunni. Traagiline armastus oleks nende eludesse otsekui sisse kirjutatud, maarates onnetu saatuse ka suguvosa noorimatele jareltulijatele, kaksikutele Ava ja Henry Lavenderile. Henry on suure osa lapsepolvest vait ja Ava – muidu igati normaalne tudruk – sundis linnutiibadega. Uritades moista oma isearalikku olemust ja kasvavat soovi eakaaslaste sekka sobituda, sukeldub 16-aastane Ava oma perekonna minevikku ja astub julgelt laia maailma. Kahjuks ei ole ta valmis avastusteks, mis teda seal ootavad, ega oska karta teiste kurje kavatsusi. Kevadel, mil Ava saab kuusteist, ei saja ainsatki vihmapiiska, kuni saabub suvise pooripaeva pidu. Sel ool paaseb taevas valla, ohku taidavad vihm ja suled ning Ava otsirannak ja perekonnasaaga jouavad sunge ja sudantlohestava haripunktini. *** Leslye Walton sundis Ameerika Uhendriikide kirdeosas Vaikse ookeani rannikul. Voib-olla just selle parast on tal lapsepolvest saati olnud eriline suhe nartsissidega – ka see lill jouab oma imelise iluni alles parast pikka ligunemist kulma vihma kaes. Esimese romaani jaoks sai Leslye inspiratsiooni uhel eriti tusasel paeval, kui ta kulma vihmatormi katte jaanuna motiskles loogika olemasolu – voi siis selle puudumise – ule armastuses. Kui Leslye parasjagu ei kirjuta, opetab ta pohikoolilapsi lugema ja kirjutama ning, mis eriti tahtis, kuidas olla uksteise vastu head, isegi neil paevil, kui selleks eriti tuju ei ole. Praegu tootab ta oma teise romaani kallal. *** See raamat on parlite parl. Sonulseletamatult kaunis. – San Fransisco Book Review See lugu jaab meelde tanu Ava Lavenderi lummavale tegelaskujule, kes teab, mida tahendab olla teistsugune. – The Guardian See armastuslugu on haruldane ja taiuslik nagu Mona Lisa naeratus. – Hooray for Books! Waltoni romaan on nii isearalik kui ka kaunis. Erakordne raamat, soovitame koigile! – School Library Journal See uhtaegu painav ja lootusrikas romaan raagib sellest, miks me armastame ja kuidas sellest kinni hoiame. – Kiera Cass, menuautor Rabav, maagiline, eriskummaline ja loomulikult imeilus. Tor.com

Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream

Автор: Bangs John Kendrick

Год издания: 

Laid up in Lavender Laid up in Lavender

Автор: Weyman Stanley John

Год издания: