Скачать книгу - THE ELEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FAIRIES: An A-Z of Fairies, Pixies, and other Fantastical Creatures

The latest title in the much-loved Element Encyclopedia series, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies explores the history, legends, and mythology of these little peoples.In the latest instalment of the best-selling Element Encyclopedia series, fairy expert Lucy Cooper examines the long history of fairies in our world, both ancient and modern. From the Fates of ancient Greece and the Sidhe of the Celts to the Cottingley Fairies of Yorkshire and the Djinn of Arabia. Loaded with hundreds upon hundreds of fascinating entries, this is the most comprehensive and definitive book on fairies available today.In addition to the essential A to Z reference guide, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies also features a series of essays which will illuminate for readers:• How to see a fairy• Fairies in literature and legend• The difference between a “fairy” and a “faerie”• Fairies from around the world• What and where is Fairyland?Whether you’re a seasoned fairy spotter or a new visitor to Fairyland, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies is an essential addition to your fantastical bookshelf.

Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences

Автор: Muybridge Eadweard

Год издания: 

Эта книга - сборник фотографий различных животных в движении. Фотографии сделаны со скоростью 1/2000 секунды, и полученные секвенции кадров представляют собой типичные движения лошадей и других животных на расчерченном вспомогательной сеткой фоне. Большинство секвенций включают снимки с нескольких углов зрения. Лошади показаны в ходьбе, рыси, легком галопе, галопе, тянущими повозку и т.д. Также представлены движения собак, кошек, свиней, слона, козы, птиц и др. Книга является репринтом издания, выпущенного в 1887 году. На мой взгляд, будет полезна художникам в качестве референсов при изображении животных.

Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia

Автор: Moore Patrick

Год издания: 

Астрономическая энциклопедия.Книга известного популяризатора астрономии Патрика Моора.Много фотографий,имеется алфавитный указатель. The new Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia is one of the most comprehensive, authoritative and accessible books on astronomy. In more than 3000 alphabetically organized articles and over 500 photographs and diagrams, it covers everything and everyone from the Anglo-Australian Observatory to Fritz Zwicky. Its 464 pages include a host of major articles on subjects such as our Galaxy, the Sun and planets, optical and radio telescopes, stars, black holes, astrophysics, observatories, astronomical photography, space programmes, the constellations and famous astronomers. Supporting these articles are shorter entries on planetary features and satellites, asteroids, observational techniques, comets, satellite launchers, meteros, and subjects as diverse as life in the Universe and the structure of meteorites. Scores of tables list the brightest stars in the major constellations, annual meteor showers, major variable stars, dwarf stars, energy production processes in the Sun, and other relevant data. Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia is written by more than 100 leading astronomers from the world's universities and observatories, each an expert in a specialized field of knowledge. They have produced an up-to-date and reliable popular reference work for 2001 and beyond.

Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков Бабушка, Grand-mere, Grandmother… Воспоминания внуков и внучек о бабушках, знаменитых и не очень, с винтажными фотографиями XIX-XX веков

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Героини книги – бабушки, наши ангелы-хранители. Судьба каждой из них неповторима, а истории любви достойны пера романиста. Наряду со свидетельствами мемуаристов XIX века в книге представлены воспоминания наших современников. Авторов объединяет «память сердца» и благодарность к тем, кто сумел предать внукам творческое отношение к жизни, сострадание к людям, любовь к искусству и природе.

The Other Gods The Other Gods

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Год издания: 

Barzai the Wise, a high priest and prophet greatly learned in the lore of the "gods of earth", or Great Ones, attempts to scale the mountain of Hatheg-Kla in order to look upon their faces, accompanied by his young disciple Atal. Upon reaching the peak, Barzai at first seems overjoyed until he finds that the "gods of the earth" are not there alone, but rather are overseen by the "other gods, the gods of the outer hells that guard the feeble gods of earth!" Atal flees and Barzai is never seen again.

How to Tell a Story and Other Essays How to Tell a Story and Other Essays

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

A hilarious and cutting critique of what not to do, this deliciously wicked essay lays out what writers should and must do if they want their fiction to live and breathe ? as Twain's own fiction always does. In "How to Tell a Story," the title piece, Twain takes on such mysteries as the perfectly-timed pause and the uses of the dead-pan mask, and candidly describes his own efforts to hone his platform skills.