History has forgotten Caroline of Ansbach and yet in her lifetime she was compared frequently to Elizabeth I and considered by some as ‘the cleverest Queen consort Britain ever had’.The intellectual superior of her buffoonish husband George II, Caroline is credited with bringing the Enlightenment to Britain through her sponsorship of red-hot debates about science, religion, philosophy and the nature of the universe. Encouraged by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, she championed inoculation; inspired by her friend Leibniz and Samuel Clarke, she mugged up on Newtonian physics; she embraced a salon culture which promoted developments in music, literature and garden design; she was a regular theatre-goer who loved the opera, gambling and dancing. Her intimates marvelled at the breadth of her interests. She was, said Lord Egmont, ’curious in everything’.Caroline acted as Regent four times whilst her husband returned to Hanover and during those periods she possessed power over all domestic matters. No subsequent royal woman has exercised power on such a scale.So why has history forgotten this extraordinary queen?In this magnificent biography, the first for over seventy years, Matthew Dennison seeks to reverse this neglect. The First Iron Lady uncovers the complexities of Caroline’s multifaceted life from child of a minor German princeling who, through intelligence, determination and a dash of sex appeal, rose to occupy one of the great positions of the world and did so with distinction, elan and a degree of cynical realism. It is a remarkable portrait of an 18th-century woman of great political astuteness and ambition, a radical icon of female power. Получить ссылку |
Les preludes, par m-me Caroline Pavlof, nee Jaenesch
Автор: Константин Сергеевич Аксаков
Год издания:
«Во Франции явилась книга, на которой встречаем мы русское имя, и хотя язык, каким она написана, не наш, но все-таки это произведение русского таланта, и мы с радостью причисляем ее к явлениям нашей литературы. Мы говорим про книгу, заглавие которой выписано выше…»
An essay on the first principles of government and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty
Автор: Joseph Priestley
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on the first principles of government and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty : including remarks on Dr. Brown's Code of education and on Dr. Balguy's Sermon on Church Authority / by Joseph Priestley».
First lines of the practice of physic. Vol. 1
Автор: William Cullen
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «First lines of the practice of physic : Vol. 1 : in 2 volumes / by William Cullen ; with supplementary notes, including the more recent improvements in the practice of medecine, by Peter Reid».
The notes of first line manager
Автор: Dmitry Artyukhin
Год издания:
The author shares personal thoughts on different aspects of first line manager (FLM) role within the organization. This book offers honest and open overview of personal FLM experience. It’s based on real stories and situations and shares some advices for those who is in this job and/or interested in being a first line manager. It is a practical handbook made to encourage people managers to apply creative approach in managing their teams.
Education in Russia in the First Decade of the 21st Century
Автор: Sergey Shirin
Год издания:
The study is based on a methodology proposed by European Association for Education Law and Policy for their research conducted in 2009 and devoted to commercialization, competition and corruption in European education. In the monograph, the attempt is made to apply their methods to analyze the commercialization, competition and corruption in Russian educational system that existed before the adoption of new educational legislation which came into force in 2013.
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