Скачать книгу - The Longing: A bestselling psychological thriller you won’t be able to put down

A compulsive and topical psychological thriller and a contemporary story of obsession, in which a happily married, educated, middle-class woman is driven to snatch a stranger’s baby from its pram.All she wanted was a baby. Was that so much to ask? A baby to nourish in her body, to give birth with pain and pleasure, to adore. A baby to suckle and care for, to clean and cuddle and comfort. A baby to make her whole and complete. But her womb was empty and its emptiness filled her days and her nights, invaded her dreams, determined every waking thought. A baby. All she wanted was a baby…

The Mental Strategies of Top Traders. The Psychological Determinants of Trading Success The Mental Strategies of Top Traders. The Psychological Determinants of Trading Success

Автор: Ari Kiev

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An honest depiction of the challenges of trading and a clear explanation of what it takes to succeed Trading tends to be a winner-take-all activity where a small number of traders are very successful, while the majority either lose money or generate relatively small profits. In The Mental Strategies of Top Traders, author Ari Kiev identifies and analyzes the characteristics of successful traders and shows you how to cultivate these same characteristics. Successful trading, Kiev asserts, requires an unusual and sometimes contradictory blend of intellectual and psychological abilities, including the willingness to take risks, but in a very controlled manner; the discipline to develop high-conviction trading ideas in the face of unpredictable markets and incomplete information; as well as a strong drive to win, but also accept failure. Here, you'll discover how to achieve all this, and much more. Provides advice and solutions for traders struggling with today's volatile and stressful markets Authoritatively identifies key mental strategies of top traders Written by Ari Kiev, a highly respected figure in the professional trading community Analysis is supported by comments from contemporary traders and portfolio managers, many of whom struggled with the markets of 2008 Designed with the serious trader in mind, this book will put you in a better position to excel in today's tumultuous markets.

No One Would Listen. A True Financial Thriller No One Would Listen. A True Financial Thriller

Автор: Harry Markopolos

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Harry Markopolos and his team of financial sleuths discuss first-hand how they cracked the Madoff Ponzi scheme No One Would Listen is the thrilling story of how the Harry Markopolos, a little-known number cruncher from a Boston equity derivatives firm, and his investigative team uncovered Bernie Madoff's scam years before it made headlines, and how they desperately tried to warn the government, the industry, and the financial press. Page by page, Markopolos details his pursuit of the greatest financial criminal in history, and reveals the massive fraud, governmental incompetence, and criminal collusion that has changed thousands of lives forever-as well as the world's financial system. The only book to tell the story of Madoff's scam and the SEC's failings by those who saw both first hand Describes how Madoff was enabled by investors and fiduciaries alike Discusses how the SEC missed the red flags raised by Markopolos Despite repeated written and verbal warnings to the SEC by Harry Markopolos, Bernie Madoff was allowed to continue his operations. No One Would Listen paints a vivid portrait of Markopolos and his determined team of financial sleuths, and what impact Madoff's scam will have on financial markets and regulation for decades to come.

Covert Persuasion. Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game Covert Persuasion. Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game

Автор: Kevin Hogan

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Praise for Covert Persuasion: «This book is a treasure trove of ideas you can use to turn a 'no' into a 'yes' almost instantly-in any sales situation.» -Brian Tracy, speaker and author of Create Your Own Future and Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life «Hogan is the master of persuasion. I urge you to persuade yourself to buy this book and everything he's ever written and recorded. It will help you understand yourself, understand others, and succeed. This information is bankable.» -Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible, Little Red Book of Selling, and Little Red Book of Sales Answers «There's more wisdom in this book than in 500 pages on the same subject. Whether you need to persuade your lover, your spouse, your boss, your clients, your friends, or yourself, this powerhouse collection of mind tricks and secrets will give you the upper hand. In today's competitive world, this is the persuasion wizard's manual you need to control circumstances and get what you want.» -Dr. Joe Vitale, author of Life's Missing Instruction Manual and The Attractor Factor «When you read Hogan's writing, it feels like you're getting sage advice from a master. Would you like other people to decide on their own (or so they think) to go along with your every whim? Then this is the book you've been looking for.» -David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich «There is more practical information on the dynamics of selling and communication in these pages than you could ever acquire in a lifetime on your own through trial and error. Take advantage of the authors' wisdom and read this book!» -Todd D. Bramson, Certified Financial Planner and author of Real Life Financial Planning

Executive Power. Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Advantage in Any Business Situation Executive Power. Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Advantage in Any Business Situation

Автор: David Lieberman J.

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Executive Power arms readers with effective, fast-acting techniques that show them, step-by-step, how to get what they need before they and their companies pay a heavy toll for lack of it. This book contains specific, carefully formulated psychological tactics that can be applied to any business situation, with any person. This book offers readers the opportunity to use the most important psychological tools governing human behavior, not just to level the playing field, but to create an automatic advantage in today's business world. The book will arm the reader with the tactics to: * Get back any customer you've lost. * Find out who in your company is loyal to you and who is not. * Get any group of people to get along and work as a team. * Turn a lazy worker into an ambitious go-getter. * Fire anyone easily, without an argument or even a difficult conversation. * Dilute the impact of negative publicity quickly. * Collect money owed, no matter how long it's been overdue. * Inspire your client, colleague, or boss to go along with your idea or plan. * Manage the unmanageable-get any employee to fall in line with the company line.

Conducting Psychological Assessment. A Guide for Practitioners Conducting Psychological Assessment. A Guide for Practitioners

Автор: A. Wright Jordan

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A Valuable Guide to the Entire Process of Psychological Assessment Carefully working through all the phases of assessment, including integrating, conceptualizing, test selection, administering, scoring, and report writing, Conducting Psychological Assessment provides clinicians with a step-by-step methodology for conducting skilled individual assessments, from beginning to end. Unlike most guides to assessment, this book addresses the critical steps that follow administration, scoring, and interpretation—namely the integration of the data into a fully conceptualized report. Rich with case studies that illustrate every major point, this text provides a coherent structure for the entire process, taking into account the imperfection of both clinical intuition and specific psychological tests. Conducting Psychological Assessment presents practitioners with an accessible framework to help make the process of psychological assessment quicker, easier, and more efficient. It offers a model designed to ensure that assessors provide ethical and competent services and make useful contributions to the lives of the individuals they assess.