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For many years an atheist, C. S. Lewis vividly describes the spiritual quest that convinced him of the truth and reality of Christianity, in his famous autobiography.“In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God … perhaps the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England.” Thus Lewis describes memorably the crisis of his conversion.‘Surprised by Joy’ reveals both that crisis and its momentous conclusion that would determine the shape of Lewis’s entire life.

Guilty Thing Surprised Guilty Thing Surprised

Автор: Ruth Rendell

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Surprised By Joy Surprised By Joy

Автор: C. S. Lewis

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Twelve Upon A Time... February: Surprised by a Secret Admirer Bedside Story Collection Series Twelve Upon A Time... February: Surprised by a Secret Admirer Bedside Story Collection Series

Автор: Edward Galluzzi

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This is the second book in a 12 book Bedside Story Collection Series spanning across the 12 months of the year. Each of the 12 bedside stories is reprinted in color from the author’s black and white third edition book Twelve Upon A Time. Each monthly story is unique and illustrated by the original drawings of children whose interpretation of the words can only be seen through their eyes. This February bedside story is entitled Surprised by a Secret Admirer. It explores the growing friendship between two children and their special celebration of Valentine’s Day. This February bedside story and all the stories are written to further the imagination of children and to strengthen the parent and child bond through the sharing of heartwarming, silly, absurd and believably impossible tales. Watch for March’s bedside collection story Goggy and His Pot of Gold that unfolds in the legendary country of Iarland in the town of Glocky Nora where children search for a leprechaun and his pot of gold. About the Author: As a doctorate level practitioner serving school children for more than 35 years, Edward Galluzzi became keenly aware that children and their parents often had in short supply what families needed the most: open communication and sharing time together. The Bedside Story Collection Series was written to provide families a moment here and a moment there to come together and share heart warming, silly and believably unbelievable tales. The stories are tied typically to the main holiday or theme of each month, more or less. The characters in the stories are based on what children relate to the most… animals and other children. There are also over 100 colored drawings sketched by children ranging from 7 months to 12 years of age. The stories from Mr. Galluzzi’s imagination and the drawings from theirs come together to stimulate the imaginations of children and open a whole new world for parents and their children to share. That is his gift to your family. Time for sharing… time for laughing… time for talking… time for each other. Not once upon a time, but Twelve Upon A Time....

Surprised by God Surprised by God

Автор: Chris E. W. Green

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This book explores the deep and abiding human need for contemplation, for coming to terms with and standing in awe of the nature and character of the God revealed in the Scriptures. When so much is wrong in the world, when our lives are troubled by so many threats, both real and imagined, we must learn to look to God and to see all things, including ourselves, in the light of who he is. A life of faithful contemplation begins to free us from the bad desires, false expectations, and corrupting illusions that bind us against our will and keep us from the fullness promised in the gospel.

Surprised by the man on the borrowed donkey: Ordinary Blessings Surprised by the man on the borrowed donkey: Ordinary Blessings

Автор: Denise Ackermann

Год издания: 

Well-known and respected theologian Prof. Denise Ackermann openly explores her experiences after she was diagnosed first with cancer, and then with macular degeneration leading to impaired sight. She shares her search for answers in this gripping, thought-provoking book. Honest and revealing, she grapples with her faith in Jesus in this, her “biography of faith” – faith in “the man on the borrowed donkey”, as she calls him. Facing some of life’s hardest questions, she discovers the ability to view her own life with the eyes of faith and to see, above all else, a history of blessings – many blessings.