She was young and passionate. He was older and ridiculously rich. It was a match made in heaven.Wanda was always encouraged to hide her sensuality, but you can’t keep a libido down forever.Wanda copes with the absence of an adventurous sex life by fantasizing. In her daydreams, a girl can do anything at all without consequences.From a close encounter with a basketball player while riding the subway, having her needs ‘looked after’ by her therapist, riding double on a magnificent stallion, to some delicious discipline in the back of a barn, she engages with multiple partners in her imagination.The line between reality and fantasy blurs until she’s not sure if she’s really doing these things or if they’re only imagined.And would she be able settle down to a mundane married life, and be satisfied, when the day came? Получить ссылку |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Автор: Дж. К. Роулинг
Год издания:
"'There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.'"
Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors – and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone… Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true.
Pottermore has now launched the Wizarding World Book Club. Visit Pottermore to sign up and join weekly Twitter discussions at WW Book Club.
The lives of Haydn and Mozart
Автор: Стендаль
Год издания:
Примечание: Жизнеописания Гайдна, Моцарта и Метастазио. Полный вариант заголовка: «The lives of Haydn and Mozart : With observations on Metastasio, and on the present state of music in France and Italy / Translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet. ; With notes by the author of the Sacred melodies».
Memoires secrets sur la Russie. T. 1
Автор: Charles Philibert
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoires secrets sur la Russie : Tome 1 : et particulierement sur la fin du regne de Catherine II et le commencement de celui du Paul I : formant un tableau des moeurs de St. Petersbourg, a la fin du XVIII siecle».
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