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Making babies… .His free-wheeling bachelor days behind him, Matt Davis is ready for family and fatherhood. And Peta Kelly seems to be the answer to his prayers. Not only is she provocative and outrageously sexy, she is also prepared to commit to marriage with the next decent man she meets.Making babies with Peta would be pure pleasure. But first Matt has to convince her that he wants more from their relationship than just her delectable body… . MAN Talk There are two sides to every story – now it's his turn!

Fever Fever

Автор: Лола Астра

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Герои романа – девушка по имени Энни и легендарный певец Тони Ридд. Энни имеет довольно обеспеченных родителей, благодаря чему ей посчастливилось познакомиться с известным певцом и актером Тони Риддом. Безусловно, она полюбила его с первого взгляда, а он проникся к ней теплотой. Они подружились, и на протяжении его карьеры судьба то сводит их, то разъединяет. У него есть всё, что только можно пожелать для счастливой и беззаботной жизни, но приходит время, когда Тони устает от этого, и только Энни может помочь ему покончить с такой жизнью. Главный слоган книги – «Это не описание жизни звезды, а любовная история одинокого мужчины».

The History of the Hen Fever. A Humorous Record The History of the Hen Fever. A Humorous Record

Автор: Burnham George Pickering

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This I Believe. On Fatherhood This I Believe. On Fatherhood

Автор: John Gregory

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Compelling stories of fatherhood from the popular NPR radio show From the popular radio series This I Believe comes this touching and thought-provoking compilation of original essays on one of the most fundamental of human relationships-fatherhood. It is a relationship filled with joy and heartbreak, love and anger, lessons learned, and opportunities missed. The stories in this collection are engaging and meaningful. Some are reverential and loving; some are sad and clouded by yearning, loss, and regret: You'll read reflections from expectant and new dads, full of optimism, as well as from longtime parents who, through the distance of time, are able to reflect on their successes and failures as fathers. We also hear from children (some young and some well into adulthood) writing about their fathers. They honestly and openly introduce us to the men who shaped them, sometimes in surprising ways. They talk about the fathers they want to emulate, the mistakes they hope to avoid repeating, and the wisdom they realized they've gained. This I Believe: On Fatherhood offers a compelling portrait of the diverse range of experiences and beliefs related to the father-child relationship. With personal insights and inspiration, this collection makes a wonderful gift for long-time fathers, new fathers, and fathers-to-be.

Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Fatherhood – Philosophy for Everyone offers fathers wisdom and practical advice drawn from the annals of philosophy. Both thought-provoking and humorous, it provides a valuable starting and ending point for reflecting on this crucial role. Address the roles, experiences, ethics, and challenges of fatherhood from a philosophical perspective Includes essays on Confucius, Socrates, the experience of African fatherhood, and the perspective of two women writers Explores the changing role of fatherhood and investigates what it means to be a father An ideal complement to Motherhood – Philosophy for Everyone (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)

The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Complete The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Complete

Автор: George Meredith

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