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The Ocean Wireless Boys on War Swept Seas The Ocean Wireless Boys on War Swept Seas

Автор: Goldfrap John Henry

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The New Tycoons. Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything The New Tycoons. Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything

Автор: Jason Kelly

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Inside the Trillion Dollar Industry That Owns Everything What do Dunkin' Donuts, J. Crew, Toys "R" Us, and Burger King have in common? They are all currently or just recently were owned, operated, and controlled by private equity firms. The New Tycoons: Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything takes the reader behind the scenes of these firms: their famous billionaire founders, the overlapping stories of their creation and evolution, and the outsized ambitions that led a group of clever bankers from small shops operating in a corner of Wall Street into powerhouse titans of capital. This is the story of the money and the men who handle it. Go inside the private worlds of founders Henry Kravis, Steve Schwarzman, David Bonderman, and more in The New Tycoons, and discover how these men have transformed the industry and built the some of the most powerful and most secretive houses of money in the world. With numerous private equity firms going public for the first time, learn how these firms operate, where their money comes from and where it goes, and how every day millions of customers, employees, and retirees play a role in that complex tangle of money Author Jason Kelly tells the story of how thirty some years ago a group of colleagues with $120,000 of their own savings founded what would become one of the largest private equity shops in the world, completing the biggest buyout the world has ever seen, and making them all billionaires in the process Presents a never-before-seen look inside a secretive and powerful world on the verge of complete transformation as the industry and its leaders gain public profiles, scrutiny, and political positions Analyzing the founders and the firms at a crucial moment, when they've elevated themselves beyond their already lofty ambitions into the world of public opinion and valuation, New Tycoons looks at one of the most important, yet least examined, trillion-dollar corners of the global economy and what it portends for these new tycoons.

Swept Up Lives? Swept Up Lives?

Автор: Jon May

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Utilizing innovative ethnographic research, Swept Up Lives? challenges conventional accounts of urban homelessness to trace the complex and varied attempts to care for homeless people Presents innovative ethnographic research which suggests an important shift in perspective in the analysis and understanding of urban homelessness Emphasizes the ethical and emotional geographies of care embodied and performed within homeless services spaces Suggests that different homelessness ‘scenes’ develop in different places due to varied historical, political, and cultural responses to the problems faced

The Last Tycoon / Последний магнат. Книга для чтения на английском языке The Last Tycoon / Последний магнат. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Автор: Фрэнсис Скотт Фицджеральд

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«Последний магнат» – неоконченный роман Ф. С. Фицджеральда (1896–1940), подготовленный к печати американским писателем и литературным критиком Эдмундом Уилсоном. Неадаптированный текст снабжен комментариями и словарем. Книга адресована студентам языковых вузов и всем любителям американской литературы.

Swept Away Swept Away

Автор: Candace Camp

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