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You can take the girl out of Queens…Or can you? Because for five years, fashion assistant Ellie Levine was taking a halfhearted stab at it, commuting to Manhattan by day, trying desperately to keep secret her outerborough existence–that accent, that hair…that daughter. Until the day fate landed her back in her Richmond Hill neighborhood 24/7, the very place she'd sworn to escape.Now she has a business to run there–not the business she had in mind, perhaps, but a business nonetheless. And the boy next door, who for years had been the married-man-next-door, is suddenly available. And interested?Maybe there really is no place like home. So even if you can take the girl out of Queens, would you?

Приручаем потоки Java (Taming Java Threads) Приручаем потоки Java (Taming Java Threads)

Автор: Ален Холаб (Allen Holub)

Год издания: 

В этом учебном пособии описана работа с одной из самых ценных возможностей языка Java - многопоточностью и оно знакомит читателя не только с тем, как правильно использовать потоки, но и рассматривает работу с ними во всевозможных аспектах - swing, oop, patterns и т.д. Книга рассчитана не для начинающих программистов, а для специалистов, уже работающих в этой сфере.

Ideas changing the World. Logical gaming devices combined with a ball-pen Ideas changing the World. Logical gaming devices combined with a ball-pen

Автор: Valeriy Zhiglov

Год издания: 

Games become more popular than cinema, it is a trend worldwide. The annual turnover in gaming industry already exceeded 15 billion dollars, and it still grows every year. The author proposed several types of logical gaming devices, including the type combinable with a ball-pen. As preliminarily estimated, such gaming devices might be used with 10—25% of ball-pens produced worldwide, and they might be demanded for both on national and international markets.

Threads of Grey and Gold Threads of Grey and Gold

Автор: Reed Myrtle

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The Broken Thread The Broken Thread

Автор: Le Queux William

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The Thread of Gold The Thread of Gold

Автор: Benson Arthur Christopher

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