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Goombah to GucciAs the only granddaughter among seventeen grandsons of one of New York's reputed Mafia dons, Teddi Gallo has been surrounded by overprotective men all her life…not to mention those FBI agents tailing her family. But now, determined to live her own life, she has decamped to Manhattan with dreams of making it in the brutal restaurant business.Soon, however, she is finding her dinner plate is more than full as she juggles an old-money, news-anchor boyfriend, a devastatingly handsome FBI agent trailing her 24/7, a nervous accountant concerned her business is failing and her cousin Tony acting as her bodyguard. Toss in bringing her new beau home for Sunday dinner and trying to explain the hundred pairs of stolen Jimmy Choos in her Uncle Vito's living room…and Teddi Gallo's already-chaotic life is made all the more messy. Maybe a few well-hatched plans, a bit of matchmaking and a dose of Mafia Chic will get her out of this jam.

Mafia - история серии и разбор третьей части Mafia - история серии и разбор третьей части

Автор: Дмитрий Goblin Пучков

Год издания: 

Mafia Princess Mafia Princess

Автор: Marisa Merico

Год издания: 

Marisa Merico, the daughter of one of Italy's most notorious Mafia Godfathers, was dazzled by her father, Emilio DiGiovine. To her he was all powerful, sophisticated and loving; to the rest of the world he was staggeringly ruthless. Marisa knew her father would do anything for her, but she hadn't expected just how much he would ask in return.Born to an English mother, Marisa turned her back on her quiet life in Blackpool to join her charming father, Emilio DiGiovine, who had spent years trying to tempt her back to Italy. Arriving in Milan, Marisa had no idea she was returning to the heart of one of the most notorious drugs, arms and money laundering empires in the world.At first her father shielded her from the family operations and Marisa was overwhelmed by the attention and gifts he lavished on her. But soon the temptation of a new recruit was too great and Marisa was drawn ever deeper into the family's sinister and brutal regime, witnessing things she was too scared to believe.The day she eloped with her father's chief henchman was the day her father decided she was ready to be initiated into the true nature of the family business. Suddenly Marisa saw there was no limit to what he would expect her to do for him. She knew it was wrong, she knew she had to get out, but she had no idea how she could break the sacred Coda Nostra – and survive.Marisa's extraordinarily story is the most powerful portrayal of a Mafia family to emerge in recent years. It's the perfect balance of shocking violence, dangerous betrayals and enduring love.

Bella Mafia Bella Mafia

Автор: Линда Ла Плант

Год издания: 

Дон Роберто Лучано, глава сицилийской мафии, соглашается выступить свидетелем обвинения на процессе Пола Кароллы, двадцать лет назад жестоко убившего сына дона. Но чуть ли не накануне судебного разбирательства все мужчины в семье Лучано оказываются убиты. Жена Роберто, ставшая внезапно вдовой, две ее невестки и внучка берут бразды правления в свои руки и объявляют врагам вендетту. Теперь они bella mafia, прекрасная мафия, и горе каждому, кто встанет у них на пути.

Mafia na wybrzezu Mafia na wybrzezu

Автор: Krzysztof Wojcik

Год издания: 

FIFA mafia FIFA mafia

Автор: Thomas Kistner

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