Un gioco interstellare sexy. Tyla deVrie e suo fratello Bred corrono attraverso la galassia per trovare oggetti rari su mondi esotici. Il Cacciatore ha ucciso i loro genitori 20 anni fa e, mentre sfrecciano attraverso la galassia nel decadente yacht spaziale di Bred con la sua ciurma di sole donne, scoprono che la posta in gioco non e meno cupa questa volta. La ricompensa della gloria eterna meritera il prezzo possibile della loro vita?
Un gioco interstellare sexy ed eccitante. Il povero ozioso della Societa galattica aveva poco da fare che fosse produttivo, quindi adoravano inventare piccoli giochi inutili per tenersi occupati e la piu grande era la Caccia al Tesoro, solo una volta ogni 20 anni. Visitare mondi diversi, prendere oggetti difficili da acquistare che non possono essere semplicemente acquistati e divertirsi. Un modo intelligente per passare ore vacue. Tyla deVrie e suo fratello gemello, Bred, seguono la tradizione familiare di entrare nell'Isola del Tesoro. I loro genitori sono morti durante l'ultima Caccia 20 anni fa e intendono riconquistare l'onore della famiglia. Ma mentre salgono da un pianeta all'altro a bordo dello yacht spaziale decadente di Bred con il suo equipaggio tutto al femminile, il destino sembra rendere la Caccia al tesoro molto piu di un semplice gioco. Cio cambiera irrevocabilmente le loro vite, se non li finira prima.
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Il tesoro della montagna azzurra
Автор: Emilio Salgari
Год издания:
La isla del tesoro
Автор: Роберт Льюис Стивенсон
Год издания:
Production of Membrane Proteins. Strategies for Expression and Isolation
Автор: Anne Robinson Skaja
Год издания:
Designed as a research-level guide to current strategies and methods of membrane protein production on the small to intermediate scale, this practice-oriented book provides detailed, step-by-step laboratory protocols as well as an explanation of the principles behind each method, together with a discussion of its relative advantages and disadvantages. Following an introductory section on current challenges in membrane protein production, the book goes on to look at expression systems, emerging methods and approaches, and protein specific considerations. Case studies illustrate how to select or sample the optimal production system for any desired membrane protein, saving both time and money on the laboratory as well as the technical production scale. Unique in its coverage of «difficult» proteins with large membrane-embedded domains, proteins from extremophiles, peripheral membrane proteins, and protein fragments.
Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation
Автор: Konstantinidis Dimitrios
Год издания:
Widely used in civil, mechanical and automotive engineering since the early 1980s, multilayer rubber bearings have been used as seismic isolation devices for buildings in highly seismic areas in many countries. Their appeal in these applications comes from their ability to provide a component with high stiffness in one direction with high flexibility in one or more orthogonal directions. This combination of vertical stiffness with horizontal flexibility, achieved by reinforcing the rubber by thin steel shims perpendicular to the vertical load, enables them to be used as seismic and vibration isolators for machinery, buildings and bridges. Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation collates the most important information on the mechanics of multilayer rubber bearings. It explores a unique and comprehensive combination of relevant topics, covering all prerequisite fundamental theory and providing a number of closed-form solutions to various boundary value problems as well as a comprehensive historical overview on the use of isolation. Many of the results presented in the book are new and are essential for a proper understanding of the behavior of these bearings and for the design and analysis of vibration or seismic isolation systems. The advantages afforded by adopting these natural rubber systems is clearly explained to designers and users of this technology, bringing into focus the design and specification of bearings for buildings, bridges and industrial structures. This comprehensive book: includes state of the art, as yet unpublished research along with all required fundamental concepts; is authored by world-leading experts with over 40 years of combined experience on seismic isolation and the behavior of multilayer rubber bearings; is accompanied by a website at www.wiley.com/go/kelly The concise approach of Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation forms an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers/practitioners in structural and mechanical engineering departments, in particular those working in seismic and vibration isolation.
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