Скачать книгу - Chlopiec z Aleppo, ktory namalowal wojne

Сарафанный маркетинг для малого бизнеса. Илья Айзен. Flocktory.ru Сарафанный маркетинг для малого бизнеса. Илья Айзен. Flocktory.ru

Автор: Алексей Пучков

Год издания: 

Как смотивировать довольного клиента рассказать о своей покупке друзьям? О том, можно ли автоматизировать сарафанное радио, как получить дополнительные выгоды с привлеченного клиента, и о многих других насущных вопросах мы поговорим с Ильей Айзеном, Flocktory.ru.

Wygraj wojne. Ramka po ramce Wygraj wojne. Ramka po ramce


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Trzecia wojna swiatowa, zimna, goraca, cokolwiek to jest, wygrywaja ci, ktorzy potrafia zrozumiec pierwszy i drugi epizod wielkiej konfrontacji drog ludzkosci. Czy chcialbys znalezc sie wsrod zwyciezcow? Otworz te ksiazke

The Girl From Aleppo: Nujeen’s Escape From War to Freedom The Girl From Aleppo: Nujeen’s Escape From War to Freedom

Автор: Christina Lamb

Год издания: 

Previously published as ‘Nujeen’‘She is our hero. Everyone must read her story. She will inspire you’ Malala YousafzaiAn inspiring tale of a young disabled girl and her escape from the hell of war.Nujeen Mustafa has cerebral palsy and cannot walk. This did not stop her braving inconceivable odds to travel in her wheelchair from Syria in search of a new life. Sharing her full story for the first time, Nujeen recounts the details of her childhood and disability, as well as the specifics of her harrowing journey across the Mediterranean to Greece and finally to Germany to seek an education and the medical treatment she needs.Nujeen's story has already touched millions and in this book written with Christina Lamb, bestselling co-author of ‘I Am Malala’, she helps to put a human face on a global emergency.Trapped in a fifth floor apartment in Aleppo and unable to go to school, she taught herself to speak English by watching US television. As civil war between Assad's forces and ISIS militants broke out around them, Nujeen and her family fled first to her native Kobane, then Turkey before they joined thousands of displaced persons in a journey to Europe and asylum. She wanted to come to Europe, she said, to become an astronaut, to meet the Queen and to learn how to walk.In her strong, positive voice, Nujeen tells the story of what it is really like to be a refugee, to have grown up in a dictatorship only for your life to be blighted by war; to have left a beloved homeland to become dependent on others. It is the story of our times told through the incredible bravery of one remarkable girl determined to keep smiling.

Dzien, w ktorym umarlam Dzien, w ktorym umarlam

Автор: Belen Martinez Sanchez

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Re-Horachte. Martwy chlopiec Re-Horachte. Martwy chlopiec

Автор: Dariusz Kankowski

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