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Super Agent. Real Estate Success At The Highest Level Super Agent. Real Estate Success At The Highest Level

Автор: Joseph Callaway

Год издания: 

Reading Super Agent is like spending a day with two of the most successful real estate agents in America. Joseph and JoAnn Callaway sell 300 to 500 high-end homes per year. Now they share the secrets of their incredible success. Based on those Callaways’ core concepts of honesty, competence, and caring, Super Agent is filled with practical, money-making advice that will turn beginner and veteran real estate agent alike into a Super Agent. Every chapter is a lesson in the fundamentals of listing and selling more real, including: The five superpowers that make you a super agent The secrets of super time management, how best to use assistants, and how to run a super team The two quick fixes that can double your income overnight without so much as one new client With tested tips and tactics and a unique and positive approach, Super Agent will inspire and propel you to build a steady stream of buyers and sellers, get more listings, and close more deals.

osmoselaevastiku agent. Sari osmoselaevastiku agent. Sari "Orpheuse Raamatukogu

Автор: Кир Булычев

Год издания: 

Selles kogumikus seikleb uks kirjaniku meeldejaavamaid kangelasi, Andrei Bruce. Planeedil, mida asustab mitte veel pariselt tsiviliseeritud klanniuhiskond, kaob jaljetult kosmosearheoloog Photius van Kuhn. Peagi selgub, et arheoloogi kadumine on vaid uheks luliks planeetidevahelises vandenous.Luhiromaan „Noiakoobas“ raagib sellest, kuidas planeedil, mida asustavad mongolitelaadsed metsikud barbarite hordid, voetakse vangi arheoloogilise ekspeditsiooni vahesed ellujaanud liikmed, Andrei Bruce nende hulgas. Selgub, et korgelt arenenud humanistlikul tsivilisatsioonil pole uldse lihtne jagu saada ramedast barbaarsusest ja moraalitust kurjusest.

Prawda czy wyzwanie Prawda czy wyzwanie

Автор: Non Pratt

Год издания: 

Cala prawda o… Cala prawda o…

Автор: Ilona Felicjanska

Год издания: 

Prawda jest jeszcze gorsza Prawda jest jeszcze gorsza

Автор: David Pawson

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