Скачать книгу - Wypracowania - Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz „Powrot posla”

Julian Mortimer Julian Mortimer

Автор: Castlemon Harry

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Powrot Powrot

Автор: Rabindranath Tagore

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Powrot posla Powrot posla

Автор: Niemcewicz Julian Ursyn

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Powrot posla to komedia polskiego poety, dramaturga, historyka Juliana Uryna Niemcewicza z 1790 roku. Na scenie zostala wystawiona rok pozniej.Autor ukazuje konflikt miedzy dwoma obozami politycznymi – konserwatystami oraz reformatorami. Akcja utworu dzieje sie we dworku w czasie przerwy w obradach Sejmu Wielkiego, zas autor przedstawia omawiane tam problemy. Byl on zwolennikiem reform i chcial pokazac w utworze ich slusznosc. W dziele poruszone sa takie problemy jak prawa innych grup spolecznych, polityka zagraniczna Polski, sukcesja tronu czy liberum veto.

Julian Robertson. A Tiger in the Land of Bulls and Bears Julian Robertson. A Tiger in the Land of Bulls and Bears

Автор: Daniel Strachman A.

Год издания: 

Julian Robertson is one of the most successful and well-known hedge fund managers of our time. For nearly twenty years his infamous fund–Tiger Management–was the talk of the town, routinely delivering double-digit performance. This biography will explore this legendary fund manager's role in the development and popularity of hedge funds, examine his investment methodology and strategy, and look at the growth of his fund and his 'Tigers'–individuals who have gone on to great success themselves. * Includes candid interviews of Robertson, his colleagues, and his peers * Uncovers the trading strategies and investment style of a legendary fund manager * Offers a rare glimpse inside the personal world of Julian Robertson READERSHIP: Those with any interest in or knowledge of hedge funds, business readers, investment professionals. Daniel A. Strachman is Managing Director of Answers Company, a New York-based money management firm that offers investment management services to individuals and institutions. He has contributed many articles on investment management and strategies to publications including the New York Post and the Financial Times and is also the author of Getting Started in Hedge Funds (Wiley 2000). Also available by Daniel Strachman, Getting Started in Hedge Funds, 0471316962 Paper. EAN – 9780471323631 Carton Quantity – 41

Julian Julian

Автор: Larisa Jakeman

Год издания: 

Julian decided it was a sign that could not be ignored and with the assistance of girlfriend Roberta and her friend Nicola they attempt to unlock the secret by visiting the places in the visions, slowly revealing a frightening but fascinating history.As the present merges with a dark and stormy past, it becomes clear that the dreams are a message. Julian’s friends are drawn deeper into the mystery, but will they eventually understand the message and why, and by whom was it sent?