W przyszlosci ludzkosc kolonizuje inne swiaty, eksploatuje pasy asteroid i wysyla swoje statki w ciemna przestrzen, z ktorej blask ich silnikow dociera na Ziemie po latach. W prawie kazdym odwiedzanym systemie istnieje zycie, ale jak dotad czlowiek nie spotkal innego inteligentnego gatunku. Az do dzis. Kiedy kolonia na planecie zwanej Swiatem Haydena przestaje wysylac informacje za pomoca nadswietlnego systemu komunikacji CASIMIR, Grupa Bojowa Floty Solarnej przybywa na miejsce, by zbadac sprawe. Sytuacja okazuje sie na tyle zagadkowa, ze zostaje podjeta decyzja o wyslaniu Zespolu Wojsk Specjalnych, by ten skontaktowal sie z kolonistami i ustalil, co sie stalo. Tylko jeden z operatorow dostaje sie zywy na planete. Sierzant Sorilla Aida staje naprzeciw obcych sil o nieznanych mozliwosciach. Co moze im przeciwstawic? Swoj pancerz bojowy, karabin, podstawowe wyposazenie i kilkuset haydenskich cywilow, pragnacych odzyskac swoj dom. Ale do takich misji zostala przeciez wyszkolona.
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Hayden White
Автор: Herman Paul
Год издания:
This new book offers a clear and accessible exposition of Hayden White's thought. In an engaging and wide-ranging analysis, Herman Paul discusses White's core ideas and traces the development of these ideas from the mid-1950s to the present. Starting with White's medievalist research and youthful fascination for French existentialism, Paul shows how White became increasingly convinced that historical writing is a moral activity. He goes on to argue that the critical concepts that have secured White's fame – trope, plot, discourse, figural realism – all stem from his desire to explicate the moral claims and perceptions underlying historical writing. White emerges as a passionate thinker, a restless rebel against scientism, and a defender of existentialist humanist values. This innovative introduction will appeal to students and scholars across the humanities, and help develop a critical understanding of an increasingly important thinker.
Reckless Rakes: Hayden Islington
Автор: Bronwyn Scott
Год издания:
‘Scott delivers a story reminiscent of Virginia Henley’s works with its naughty, bawdy overtones… Sexy, smart and delightfully sinful.’ – RT Book Reviews on ‘A Lady Risks All’, Harlequin Historical RomanceAs an illustrious ice jockey, Hayden Islington is never short of female company—wealthy champions rarely are. So when Miss Jenna Priess—the most exquisite woman he’s ever laid eyes on—turns down his seductive invitation, in favour of his detective abilities, he’s stunned and more than a little intrigued…Jenna is in trouble—her father is ill and her mill is failing due to her workers mysteriously disappearing. To save her world from ruin, Jenna needs help and Hayden is the only man she can turn to. But can she resist the heat of this handsome ice master’s touch?
Na skrzydlach jak Nick Vujicic
Автор: Malgorzata Stegenka
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Slad po zlamanych skrzydlach
Автор: Sejal Badani
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