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Dietary Treatment of Epilepsy. Practical Implementation of Ketogenic Therapy Dietary Treatment of Epilepsy. Practical Implementation of Ketogenic Therapy

Автор: Elizabeth Neal

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Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods

Автор: Geoffrey Webb P.

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The study of nutritional supplements has become increasingly important within research establishments and universities throughout the world, and as the market for these products continues to grow, so does the need for comprehensive scientifically sound information about the products, their properties and potential health benefits. This second edition of Dietary Supplements & Functional Foods has been fully revised and expanded. The book looks at the accepted uses of dietary supplements and also explores the wider picture, identifying common themes and principles or particular categories of supplements. Much new information across the whole spectrum of this fascinating and expanding field is included, with additional material covering changes in relevant legislation, examples of superfoods, up-to-date information and informed debate concerning vitamin D, folic acid, fish oils and antioxidants Several new sections have been added to this successful and well-received book. This book is now even more user-friendly and ideal for course use, and an invaluable reference for those working in the health sciences, and the supplements industry. Dietitians, nutritionists, food scientists and food technologists will all find much of great use and value within its covers. All universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies of this excellent new edition on their shelves.

The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System

Автор: Bharti Vyas

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All foods are either acid- or alkaline-forming and the body's health and beauty is entirely affected by choosing the right balance.Too many acid-forming foods can lead to conditions such as low energy, lifeless skin and hair and brittle bones.This practical book provides a 3 stage plan, food lists and simple recipe ideas.Each food we eat is either acid- or alkaline-forming due to how it is metabolised at cellular level. As our body is held within a particular alkaline range, alkaline-forming foods pose no problems to the body- but if we eat too many acid-forming foods, our body does not have the mechanisms to deal with them.A diet too high in acid-forming foods, such as cheese, wheat, sugar, processed foods and meat, can result in a wide range of health problems, including low energy, weight gain, skin problems, dull hair and eyes, brittle bones and hormonal imbalances.The plan has three stages:1) concentrates on your drinking habits, getting you to drink water on the hour and replace coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks with healthier options, bit by bit.2) helps you decrease the wheat and dairy in your diet, increasing vegetable content to replenish your mineral store and the calcium in your bones.3) is the alkaline diet where you are introduced to more raw or less cooked veggies. At this stage you can reintroduce more fruit and fruit juice (which are acid forming)The book contains a list of 80 alkaline forming foods to use and 20 of the better acid-forming foods and over 40 simple recipe ideas to reduce your toxic load.

Re-Organiza Tu Dieta Re-Organiza Tu Dieta

Автор: Ortile Cristian

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Od jutra dieta Od jutra dieta

Автор: Malgorzata Mroczkowska

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