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Fighting to stop a war that could destroy everyone alive…Kira Walker nearly died searching for the RM cure, but the battle for survival is only just beginning. The genetically-engineered Partials are inextricably bound to a greater plan that could save both races and give Kira the answers she desperately seeks.Venturing deep into the wasteland, Kira’s only allies are an unhinged drifter and two Partials who betrayed her yet saved her life – the only ones who know her secret. Back on Long Island, what’s left of humanity is gearing up for war. But their greatest enemy may be one they didn’t even know existed.It is the eleventh hour of humanity’s time on earth; this journey may be their last.

Fragments du cours de litterature Fragments du cours de litterature

Автор: Marie-Joseph de Chenier

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Fragments du cours de litterature : suivis d'autres morceaux litteraires du meme auteur / fait a l'Athene de Paris en 1806 et 1807 par M.J. de Chenier».

?schylos Tragedies and Fragments ?schylos Tragedies and Fragments

Автор: Эсхил

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Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical

Автор: Geikie James

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Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man

Автор: Натаниель Готорн

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Late Fragments: Everything I Want to Tell You Late Fragments: Everything I Want to Tell You

Автор: Kate Gross

Год издания: 

*THE NUMBER 1 BESTSELLER*What are the things we live for? What matters most in life when your time is short? This brave, frank and heartbreaking book shows what it means to die before your time; how to take charge of your life and fill it with wonder, hope and joy even in the face of tragedy.Ambitious and talented, Kate Gross worked at Number 10 Downing Street for two British Prime Ministers whilst only in her twenties. At thirty, she was CEO of a charity working with fragile democracies in Africa. She had married 'the best looking man I've ever kissed' – and given birth to twin boys in 2008. The future was bright.But aged 34, Kate was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. After a two-year battle with the disease, Kate died peacefully at home on Christmas morning, just ten minutes before her sons awoke to open their stockings.She began to write as a gift to herself, a reminder that she could create even as her body began to self-destruct. Written for those she loves, her book is not a conventional cancer memoir; nor is it filled with medical jargon or misery. Instead, it is Kate's powerful attempt to make sense of the woman who emerged in the strange, lucid final chunk of her life. Her book aspires to give hope and purpose to the lives of her readers even as her own life drew to its close.Kate should have been granted decades to say all that she says in these pages. Denied the chance to bore her children and grandchildren with stories when she became fat and old, she offers us all her thoughts on how to live; on the wonder to be found in the everyday; the importance of friendship and love; what it means to die before your time and how to fill your life with hope and joy even in the face of tragedy.