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The Fiancee FiascoThomas Waverly, successful CEO and serial dater, is anything but a push-over. But what’s a man to do when pinned by the wistful, trembling eyes of his ‘frail’ but secretly wily grandmother, who is uttering the dreaded words ‘Before I die…’? Emotional blackmail at its most effective…Looks as if Thomas needs to find a fake fiancee – and fast! Elizabeth Morris is looking for a way to save her charity, so when she’s offered a deal – a pretend proposal for piles of cash – it seems harmless enough!Convince one little old lady that she’s deeply in love – how hard can it be? Worryingly, when your ‘groom’ is this gorgeous, there’s a fine line between faking it and falling for real…Faking It to Making ItWith his best friend’s wedding suddenly cancelled, and an important business deal riding on it, Nate Sparks needs to get them back up the aisle ASAP! The best person to help is feisty maid-of-honour Roxy Trammel – otherwise known as Trouble…Luckily Roxy also needs this marriage to go ahead – her reputation as a wedding dress designer depends on it! Nate proposes a plan to get the jilted lovers back together – and if it doesn’t work…? He’ll walk Roxy down the aisle in her design himself! All Roxy can wonder is: is that a threat…or a promise…?

La friponnerie laique des pretendus esprits-forts d'Angleterre La friponnerie laique des pretendus esprits-forts d'Angleterre

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «La friponnerie laique des pretendus esprits-forts d'Angleterre : ou remarques de Phileleuthere de Leipsick sur le discours de la liberte de penser / traduites de l'anglais sur la 7 edition, par M. N. N.».

Lettre a l'auteur anonyme de deux pretendus extraits inseres dans le Journal des Savans des mois de nov. & dec. 1773 Lettre a l'auteur anonyme de deux pretendus extraits inseres dans le Journal des Savans des mois de nov. & dec. 1773

Автор: Court de Gebelin

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Lettre a l'auteur anonyme de deux pretendus extraits inseres dans le Journal des Savans des mois de nov. & dec. 1773 : publies contre le plan general et raisonne du monde primitif analyse & compare avec le monde moderne, et contre les allegories orientales ou le fragment de Sanchoniaton, etc. / par M. Court de Gebelin».

A Seasonable Warning and Caution against the Insinuations of Papists and Jacobites in favour of the Pretender Being a Letter from an Englishman at the Court of Hanover A Seasonable Warning and Caution against the Insinuations of Papists and Jacobites in favour of the Pretender Being a Letter from an Englishman at the Court of Hanover

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

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An Humble Proposal to the People of England, for the Increase of their Trade, and Encouragement of Their Manufactures. Whether the Present Uncertainty of Affairs Issues in Peace or War An Humble Proposal to the People of England, for the Increase of their Trade, and Encouragement of Their Manufactures. Whether the Present Uncertainty of Affairs Issues in Peace or War

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

Год издания: 

A Proposal Under Difficulties: A Farce A Proposal Under Difficulties: A Farce

Автор: Bangs John Kendrick

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