Step behind the hotel room doors of The Chatsfield, London…It’s an unusual family business, but being a chauffeur is the only thing that keeps Tanya Singh sane after a truly tough year. That is, until she meets her new client, famous Bollywood superstar John Patel and her teenage fantasy turns out to be more gorgeous in real life! But he’s also the most arrogant man she’s ever met and soon a clash of words and gazes raises the tension to fever pitch! Spending hours alone with John is sweet torture. But can this Bollywood icon unlock her every desire and make her love again? Получить ссылку |
Minu Bollywood
Автор: Ragne Joerand
Год издания:
Laksin Indiasse otsima hingerahu ja sisemist tasakaalu, kuid leidsin hoopis armastuse. Ja veel millise! Selles armastusloos on tormilised tousud ja moonad, madalad kired, armukadedad naised, suguvosa vastuolek ja armukese kattemaks. Pean sageli sulgema silmad ja motlema, kas see ikka on tosi ja juhtub minuga – voi on see koik uks Bollywoodi noretav film, kuhu endalegi ootamatult olen peaosataitjaks sattunud. Uhte tean ma siiski tanu Indiale kindlalt: elada tahendab julgeda armastada just siis, kui armastus on sinu ellu tulnud. Isegi siis, kui sa pole seda otsinud ja selle armastuse vastu tundub olevat kogu maailm: viisareeglid ja elamisload, kultuurid ja perekonnatraditsioonid ning eelnevate elude suhtesasipuntrad. Ent siiani ei ole mul vastust kusimusele, kas armastuse nimel ikka voib tuua ohvriks suutuid hingi ja panna kannatama lapsi. Kas see uldse on armastus, kui onn ja valu nii tihedalt labi poimuvad?
Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.
Автор: Sergey Demyanov
Год издания:
This book contains my 10-year experience of the “vital diet” change lives. It was possible to reconcile the irreconcilable: slimming diet with a diabetic diet. Yes, and the first type of diabetes mellitus, and suffer them to only 10% of diabetics. But I managed to win: even when left without metabolism – the basis of harmony. The fate of an order has complicated my task, at times reducing my chances of living graceful. But I managed to win: I did. And so – I have the right to write about it.
The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding
Автор: Johnston Annie Fellows
Год издания:
Extraordinary Outcomes. Shaping an Otherwise Unpredictable Future
Автор: Moshe Rubinstein F.
Год издания:
Steel your team against the unexpected by planning for uncertainty Extraordinary Outcomes presents an innovative approach to thinking and planning, giving leaders a playbook for dealing with uncertainty. Written by internationally recognized authorities on problem solving and creativity in organizations, this book provides an alternative outlook on business strategy and people management for leaders navigating uncertain waters, where the future is anything but guaranteed. The framework is the result of research in multiple fields and the authors' experiences with individuals, teams, and organizations, with examples from real-world situations that illustrate the concepts and dynamics at work to give readers deeper insight. The focus is on conquering uncertainty – eliminating it where possible, reducing it where it can be reduced, and embracing it when it's inevitable. Traditional ways of thinking and planning do not work in the face of an uncertain future. Frequently there are just no guarantees, nothing written in stone, and even a fortune-teller couldn't accurately predict the outcome. Extraordinary Outcomes helps leaders prepare for that, with strategies geared toward preparedness and embracing uncertainty. Learn why skills and talent are only two pieces of a bigger puzzle Discover how to better galvanize the team, and keep them motivated long-term Connect to a purpose that inspires enthusiastic engagement Conquer uncertainty, and develop a strategy for dealing with mistakes No one likes to be caught off guard, and the consequences can be severe at the organizational level. Leaders can't be psychic, but they can plan for possible outcomes and always have a solution at the ready. For those who like to have an answer for everything, Extraordinary Outcomes provides a roadmap toward an uncertainty-proof strategy for doing business.
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