Amish HideoutRebecca Holt thinks she's doing the right thing when she takes evidence proving her ex-husband is hiding a murder. But after two attempts on her life, she flees with her six-year-old son to her Amish family, dressing «plain.»But county sheriff Daniel Byler was raised Amish, and this background helps him to recognize Rebecca as someone who is out of place, in danger…and lying to him.Her Amish ProtectorsShe had wanted a simpler life in Missouri. Opening an Amish quilt shop was supposed to give Nadia Markovic's life peace and meaning. The caring community in her new small town was proving to be a healing salve for her wounded spirit…until someone broke into her apartment above the store and robbed her while she was sleeping. The thief took all the funds they’d just raised through the sale of her neighbours’ handmade quilts. And police chief Ben Slater can’t rule her out as the prime suspect. Only her Amish friends are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. But while Ben might not trust her, he’s committed to protecting her, confusing her feelings for a man who's pulling her apart… Получить ссылку |
Kasvatamishirm. Varskemaid uuringuid laste kasvatamisest
Автор: Po Bronson
Год издания:
Moiste “kasvatushirm”, nagu seda uldiselt kasutatakse, viitab paanikale (mis on vastsete lapsevanemate seas tavaline), et see muutiline teadmuse late mingil pohjusel ei vallandugi. Raamatu keskne eeldus on, et paljud nuudisaja uhiskonna lastekasvatusstrateegiad annavad tegelikult tagasilooke – kuna olulised teaduslikud teekaanakud on jaetud kahe silma vahele. Sellest tulenevad vaarad eeldused laste arengu kohta on moonutanud lastekasvatamise tavasid, koolide oppekavasid ja sotsiaalpoliitikat. Kaesoleva raamatu eesmark ei ole hairekella luua, vaid opetada meid lastest teistmoodi, sugavamalt ja selgemalt motlema. Raamatus kasitletud teemad on laiahaardelised, puhendatud vordsetes osades aju ehitusele ja moraalsetele toekspidamistele. Need seostuvad igas eas lastega, mudilastest teismelisteni. Autorid on puhendanud eraldi peatukid laste enesekindlusele, oounele, valetamisele, rassistlikele hoiakutele, intelligentsusele, odede-vendade konfliktile, teismeea massule, enesekontrollile, agressioonile, tanulikkusele ja keeleoskuse omandamisele.
Family Trusts. A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors, and Trust Creators
Автор: Keith Whitaker
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An insightful and practical guide to family trusts Family Trusts is a step-by-step guide for anyone involved in family trusts: trust creators, trustees, beneficiaries, and advisors. It will help families create and administer a culture that recognizes trusts as a gift of love. Marrying the practical and emotional aspects of family wealth, this book provides a hands-on primer that focuses on fostering positive relationships, and structuring the trust appropriately for the situation and the people involved. It tackles difficult topics with frank and honest discussion, from the first beneficiary meeting to working with addictions, and more. Written by a team of experts in family wealth, this information is becoming increasingly crucial to the successful execution of a trust; you'll learn what type of person makes the best trustee, how to be an excellent beneficiary, and the technical aspects that help you build a better trust from the very beginning. There's been a staggering increase in trustee/beneficiary litigation and hostility, but that doesn't mean it's inevitable. Plenty of trusts are running smoothly, with positive experiences on all sides. This book shows you how to set up your trust to succeed from the start, with step-by-step guidance and expert insight. Express clear and thoughtful intent for the trust Create a healthy and supportive culture Select the right trustee, trust protector, and trust advisor Take the time to prepare before initially meeting the beneficiary Conduct a productive first meeting to set a tone for the relationship Historically, there has been little consideration given to the culture of trusts, and this oversight may be a key driver of the behavior that's becoming more prevalent. Family Trusts explores the nature of these relationships, and shows you how to build a trust that retains the nature and spirit with which it was intended.
Success Made Simple. An Inside Look at Why Amish Businesses Thrive
Автор: Erik Wesner
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The keys to better business from a thriving group of business owners-the Amish Business can be discouraging. According to US Department of Labor figures, only 44 percent of newly-opened firms will last four years. Amish firms, on the other hand, have registered a 95% survival rate over a five-year period. And in many cases, those businesses do remarkably well-as Donald Kraybill writes: «the phrase 'Amish millionaire' is no longer an oxymoron.» Success Made Simple is the first practical book of Amish business success principles for the non-Amish reader. The work provides a platform of transferable principles–simple and universal enough to be applied in the non-Amish world, in a wide variety of business and management settings. Learn how to develop profitable and fulfilling enterprises as Amish explain how to build fruitful relationships with customers and employees, prosper by playing to strengths, and create an effective marketing story Includes interviews with over 50 Amish business owners outline the role of relationships in business and the importance of the big picture-taking in long-term goals, the welfare of others, and personal integrity Offers ideas on practical application of Amish business practices to non-Amish businesses, with bullet summaries at the end of each chapter reviewing the most important take-away points With a focus on relationship-building and the big picture, Success Made Simple offers business owners everywhere the tools for better, smarter, more successful enterprises.
The Amish Way. Patient Faith in a Perilous World
Автор: Donald Kraybill B.
Год издания:
A sensitive and realistic look at the spiritual life and practices of the Amish This second book by the authors of the award-winning Amish Grace sheds further light on the Amish, this time on their faith, spirituality, and spiritual practices. They interpret the distinctive practices of the Amish way of life and spirituality in their cultural context and explore their applicability for the wider world. Using a holistic perspective, the book tells the story of Amish religious experience in the words of the Amish themselves. Due to their long-standing friendships and relationships with Amish people, this author team may be the only set of interpreters able to provide an outsider-insider perspective. Provides a behind-the-scenes examination of Amish spiritual life Shows how the Amish practices can be applied to the wider world Written by authors with unprecedented access to the Amish community Written in a lively and engaging style, The Amish Way holds appeal for anyone who has wanted to know more about the inner workings of the Amish way of life.
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