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Business takes on a new flavor Resort manager Emilie Woodward's plans to make the Flamingo Beach Spa and Resort the place to be just hit a snag. His name is Rowan James. His hard-muscled body makes her weak in the knees and his plan to open a casino next door may cost Emilie her job. And when Rowan asks Emilie out, suspicion crowds out the erotic fantasies of Rowan that have lately filled her head. She wonders what he is really after. Is he looking for a no-strings-attached fling, or a competitive advantage? It would take more than a couple nights of steamy passion to make two fierce business rivals into ever-after lovers…wouldn't it?

The Horror at Martin's Beach The Horror at Martin's Beach

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

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Sailors kill a 50 foot creature at sea after a lengthy battle. The creature bears strange anatomical irregularities such as a single large eye and rudimentary forelegs and six-toed feet in place of pectoral fins. After inspection by marine biologists, it is revealed to be just a juvenile. The captain who captured the creature tours the coast and profits from the corpse of the deceased creature. As the captain attempts to finish his business at Martin's Beach, a group of swimmers are attacked. The captain and others attempt to rescue the victims but it is too late. The good samaritans and the captain are hypnotized and pulled into the water by the creature's apparently vengeful mother, to the horror of an onlooking crowd.

The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach: or, Proving Their Mettle Under Southern Skies The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach: or, Proving Their Mettle Under Southern Skies

Автор: Crane Laura Dent

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The Motor Girls at Lookout Beach: or, In Quest of the Runaways The Motor Girls at Lookout Beach: or, In Quest of the Runaways

Автор: Penrose Margaret

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Agios Gordios hidden beach. Места на Корфу Agios Gordios hidden beach. Места на Корфу

Автор: Михалис

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Ты попадаешь сюда и растворяешься в красоте воды, в солнце, в горах… но это и некий дух места, дух Корфу, дух свободы – бесконечной свободы и счастья!!!

Создатель «Купи батон!» и «Tiny Beach» Сергей Булаев Создатель «Купи батон!» и «Tiny Beach» Сергей Булаев

Автор: Максим Спиридонов

Год издания: 

Сергей Булаев о тонкостях работы интернет-продюсера при создании проектов, о том, как родился, вырос и стал успешным проект «Купи батон!», о специфике разработки и продвижения под iOS, а также о многом другом. Интервью с гостем: – Из фрилансера в предприниматели. – Каким образом из своего хобби можно вырастить прибыльный проект? – Чем разработка мобильных приложений отличается от веб-разработки? – От Calend.ru до «Купи батон!»: препарируем успешные проекты. – «Проблема AppStore в том, что никто не знает, как в нем продвигаться». – Насколько быстро Apple построит свой Google Analytics для AppStore?