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She'd lived for centuries without the pleasure a man could give her. For Medusa was a goddess with a heart full of vengeance. And even a man's briefest glance transformed her into a hideous, snake-haired monster who turned men to stone. But she was filled with an insatiable lust that compelled her to mount the stone erection of a lasciviously posed gargoyle atop an ancient castle. Then something remarkable happened. . . the gargoyle came to life. And even more remarkable, rather than turning back to stone at the first glimpse of her, he fell in love at first sight.Uphir was a demon who, in human form, had stolen the hearts of countless women, until Athena cursed him into his stony existence. But Medusa was not so easily vanquished. It would take all his seductive power and sexual prowess to win this wrathful goddess's heart.

Medusa's Coil Medusa's Coil

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

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Some of H. P. Lovecraft's most fascinating work came from a time in his life that he was forced, by economic survival, to ghostwrite, collaborate and revise the work of others in the field.

Florizel's Folly Florizel's Folly

Автор: Ashton John

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In Praise of Folly In Praise of Folly

Автор: Erasmus Desiderius

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Folly as It Flies; Hit at by Fanny Fern Folly as It Flies; Hit at by Fanny Fern

Автор: Fern Fanny

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The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly

Автор: Lever Charles James

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