Minu Argentina
Автор: Liis Kangsepp
Год издания:
Populaarse raamatu parandatud ja taiendatud uustrukk, lisatud on foto ja epiloog. Raamat raagib loo sellest, kuidas endine majandusajakirjanik jattis oma mugava elu Eestis ja kolis toole Buenos Airese vaestelinnaosasse, mismoodi ta seal paevakeskuses prussakatega voitles ja siis hoopis ulemuseks sai, mismoodi ta kais tutvumas vaalade ja pingviinidega, mismoodi ta ei suutnud prugikastiinimesega intervjuud teha, kuidas rullusid suhtemustrid vabatahtlike hulgas ja „Kakluskubiks” nimetatud uhiskorteris. „Buenos Airese hing on ulbe ja pirtsakas; samas ka ullas ja suuremeelne,” utleb autor. „Uhel hetkel virutab ta sulle oelalt naerdes sellise paugu, et vajud polvili, veremaik suus; teisel hetkel teeb sulle uskumatuna naivaid suuremeelseid kingitusi.”
Building Capacities to Evaluate Health Inequities: Some Lessons Learned from Evaluation Experiments in China, India and Chile
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
The World Health Organization defines health inequities as differences in health outcomes that are systematic, avoidable, and unjust; and the result of poor social policies, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics. This volume describes the role that evaluations can play in addressing health inequities. A key focus is on the types of capacities that need to be built to evaluate inequities. Bringing alive these questions around evaluation capacities are theory and practice studies from China, Chile, and India. This volume: Focuses on inequities in evaluation capacity building initiatives. Argues evaluations can be interventions themselves. Explores how evaluations can have influence in addressing inequities. Recognizes that innovations in evaluation capacity experiments are occurring in diverse countries and we have the opportunity to learn from such initiatives. This is the 154th issue in the New Directions for Evaluation series from Jossey-Bass. It is an official publication of the American Evaluation Association.
Masturbazione maschile. Pro e contro
Автор: Veronica Larsson
Год издания:
Stranamente, contrariamente all’opinione popolare, l’autocompiacimento ha non solo vantaggi, ma anche svantaggi. Ad esempio, depravazione graduale e degradazione sessuale. In questo manuale troverai tutte le risposte. E utile onorare uomini e donne per capire meglio la psicologia e le caratteristiche del sesso piu forte.
The Playboy Of Argentina
Автор: Bella Frances
Год издания:
Hot Nights In Buenos Aires!Polo-playing legend Rocco Hermida once blazed through Francesca Ryan’s life like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of emotional devastation and unfulfilled desire. Meeting him again, Frankie’s horrified to discover that the passion Rocco ignited is still simmering… and one scorching kiss drives it to boiling point!Rocco has always seen Frankie as unfinished business, so a brief fling at his luxurious Argentinian villa seems the perfect solution! Seduction is easy for Rocco – but then one night with Frankie isn’t enough…Can he risk letting her in on the dark secrets he hides – his toughest challenge yet?Discover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/bellafrances
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