Скачать книгу - Swieta Kinga Rzeczywistosc i Legenda

Kolm eemalduvat kinga Kolm eemalduvat kinga

Автор: Priit Uring

Год издания: 

Lugejani jouab kolmeosaline e-raamat tais meisterlikku luhiproosat. Kes tahab lahendada pealkirja moistatust, peab alustama teisest osast. Sealt leiab ta lisaks vastusele veel lugusid seksist, surematust armastusest, suitsiidist ja isegi kolvatusest. Kes tahab aga verd, higi, kannatusi, kalapuuki ja seda, kuidas vanal, uuel ja ka praegusel argisel ajal paid rajuti ja raiutakse ning ka muid oovastavaid asju, alustagu kohe otsast peale. Kolmas osa kuulub neile, kes huvituvad ulemeelelisest, taevasooridest, vollanaljast, kurbmangust ja ka sellest, mis laheb sonadest kaugemale. Monest loost kumavad labi looja vaevad, kusagil arkab uks kolmeaastane tudruk igal hommikul nutuga, moned lapsed jaavadki sundimata. Aga pole kahtlust, et metsad on meeldivad ja kui joudu piisavalt pingutada, siis voib inimene uueks saada ning moista mitte ainult omasuguste, vaid ka loomade ja kogu looduse tahendust. Koigile ei suuda keegi kunagi meele jargi olla. On lugusid, mis oleks nagu vette kirjutatud ja neidki, mis jaavad pikemaks ajaks kummitama. Kui see raamat suurendab kasvoi kriipsu vorra inimeste hoolivust, siis usub autor, et tema ulesanne on taidetud.

Mija ir itakingasis graikas Mija ir itakingasis graikas

Автор: Michelle Reid

Год издания: 

Astuoniu knygu serija „Balforu seimos paveldetojos“. Pirma knyga. Sveisdama grindis Mija svajodavo apie geresni gyvenima. O tada suzinojo, kad priklauso Balforu seimai – yra nesantuokine vieno is turtingiausiu pasaulio vyru dukte. Su visa galva panardinta i kerimai prabangu naujosios seimos pasauli, ji issigasta… Netrukus atsiranda galimybe si ta daugiau suzinoti apie aukstuomene dirbant graiku magnatui Nikui Teakiui. Nikas savo jegomis prasiskyne kelia i aukstumas, is Atenu lusnynu ikope i pirmasias milijonieriu gretas. Visada buvo nesustabdomas ir pasiimdavo tai, ko trosko. Nekaltas Mijos mielumas ir saziningumas viska apvercia aukstyn kojom.

Legenda zeglarska Legenda zeglarska

Автор: Генрик Сенкевич

Год издания: 

Statek „Purpura” owiany byl legenda. Potezny, solidny, wytrzymaly nigdy nie przysparzal zalodze zadnego klopotu.Wkrotce lata jego swietnosci minely i zaczal sie psuc. Niestety zaloga, przyzwyczajona do tego, ze na statku nie trzeba nic naprawiac ani walczyc z zywiolem, nie potrafila poradzic sobie, gdy nadeszla chwila katastrofy. Podjela wrecz emocjonalne, bezsensowne dzialania. Wkrotce glosy, ostrzegajace wczesniej o zagrozeniu, pouczyly pozostalych przy zyciu czlonkow zalogi, ze trzeba podjac sie wspolnej pracy, by okret znow poplynal.Basn Legenda zeglarska zostala opublikowana w 1900 roku przez redakcje „Tygodnika Illustrowanego”. Opisane losy zalogi i okretu mozna odczytac jako komentarz do dziejow Polski – zwlaszcza krytyke nieudanych powstan, niezrozumienie dla koniecznosci przemyslanego dzialania zamiast romantycznych zrywow.

The Washer of the Ford: Legendary moralities and barbaric tales The Washer of the Ford: Legendary moralities and barbaric tales

Автор: Sharp William

Год издания: 

The Billion Dollar Mistake. Learning the Art of Investing Through the Missteps of Legendary Investors The Billion Dollar Mistake. Learning the Art of Investing Through the Missteps of Legendary Investors

Автор: Stephen Weiss L.

Год издания: 

Important investment lessons gleaned from the mistakes of accomplished professional investors and billionaire businessmen The Billion Dollar Mistake is an up-close account of the career-defining mistakes that some of the world's most brilliant billionaire investors have made, and a revealing look at what we can learn from them. Drawing on author Stephen Weiss' twenty-two years experience at some of Wall Street's most prestigious firms, the core of this book is based upon original research and interviews with these legendary investors, who discuss the most significant trade or investment that went against them, the magnitude of the loss, its effect on their businesses-and on their personal lives. To some, these fascinating accounts will read like a novel; to others, it will be a treasured and unique investment guide. This intriguing book skillfully examines the causal relationship between the quirks of each investor's personality and the mistakes they have committed. Along the way, Weiss provides a series of compelling narrative accounts of the individuals' road to success, the particular mistakes they made, the character flaws that led to them, and the lessons learned. While some investors made errors of judgment, others made errors of perception. The Billion Dollar Mistake Uncovers important lessons learned from the failures of some of the most enduring and accomplished investors, including Kirk Kerkorian, Bill Ackman, Aubrey McClendon and Leon Cooperman Discusses how to incorporate these lessons into your investment discipline and avoid the same missteps Reveals common mistakes made by bigger investors that the average investor can relate-the only difference is in magnitude with more zeros attached to the loss Includes insights on improving your investment endeavors by refining your approach to today's markets Learning from the missteps of the best in the investment business can help you succeed. With The Billion Dollar Mistake, you'll discover how.