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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
Автор: Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl
Год издания:
Это учебное пособие по процедурному языку базы данных Oracle. Оно снабжено примерами и полезными рекомендациями. Издание является незаменимым как новичкам, так и гуру, как разработчикам на Oracle Forms, так и администраторам - используйте PL/SQL на полную мощь.
Здесь вы прочитаете о таких возможностях как PL/SQL optimizing compiler, conditional compilation, compile-time warnings, regular expressions, set operators for nested tables, nonsequential collections in FORALL, the programmer-defined quoting mechanism, the ability to backtrace an exception to a line number, a variety of new built-in packages, and support for IEEE 754 compliant floating-point numbers.
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
Автор: Ronald P. Cody, Jeffrey K. Smith
Год издания:
This book is intended to provide the applied researcher with the capacity to perform statistical analyses with SAS software without wading through pages of technical documentation. The researcher is provided with the necessary SAS statements to run programs for most of the commonly used statistics, explanations of the computer output, interpretations of results, and examples of how to construct tables and write up results for reports and journal articles.
Технология LINQ на примерах. Практикум с использованием электронного задачника Programming Taskbook for LINQ
Автор: Михаил Абрамян
Год издания:
Книга является практическим введением в технологию LINQ платформы .NET. Она содержит формулировки 250 учебных заданий, связанных с интерфейсами LINQ to Objects и LINQ to XML и включенных в электронный задачник Programming Taskbook for LINQ. В книге также приводятся примеры решений большого числа типовых задач, позволяющие изучить все категории запросов LINQ to Objects и компоненты объектной модели XML DOM, входящей в LINQ to XML. Дополнительный раздел книги посвящен особенностям интерфейсов LINQ to SQL и LINQ to Entities. Издание предназначено как для начинающих, так и для опытных программистов, желающих получить практические навыки применения технологии LINQ. Оно также может использоваться в качестве задачника-практикума для студентов вузов, посвященных программированию на платформе .NET.
Exploring LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Tools and Techniques for Building and Programming Robots
Автор: Eun Park Jung
Год издания:
The essential guide to building and programming LEGO EV3 interactive robots Exploring LEGO Mindstorms: Tools and Techniques for Building and Programming Robots is the complete guide to getting the most out of your LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Written for hobbyists, young builders, and master builders alike, the book walks you through fundamentals of robot design, construction, and programming using the Mindstorms apparatus and LEGO TECHNIC parts. Tap into your creativity with brainstorming techniques, or follow the plans and blueprints provided on the companion website to complete projects ranging from beginner to advanced. The book begins with the basics of the software and EV3 features then lets you get to work quickly by using projects of increasing complexity to illustrate the topics at hand. Plenty of examples are provided throughout every step of the process, and the companion website features a blog where you can gain the insight and advice of other users. Exploring LEGO Mindstorms contains building and programming challenges written by a recognized authority in LEGO robotics curriculum, and is designed to teach you the fundamentals rather than have you follow a «recipe.» Get started with robot programming with the starter vehicle, Auto-Driver Explore the features of the EV3 brick, a programmable brick Design robot's actions using Action Blocks Incorporate environmental sensors using Infrared, Touch, and Color sensors Expand the use of data in your program by using data wires with Sensor Blocks Process data from the sensors using Data Operations Blocks Using Bluetooth and WiFi with EV3 Build unique EV3 robots that each presents different functions: the Spy Rabbit, a robot that can react to its surroundings; a Sea Turtle robot, Mr. Turto; the Big Belly Bot, a robot that eats and poops; and a Robotic Puppy Guapo Discover ideas and practices that will help you to develop your own method of designing and programming EV3 robots The book also provides extensive programming guidance, from the very basics of block programming through data wiring. You'll learn robotics skills to help with your own creations, and can likely ignite a lasting passion for innovation. Exploring LEGO Mindstorms is the key to unlocking your EV3 potential.
Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies
Автор: John Paul Mueller
Год издания:
Learn Python—the fun and easy way—and get in the programming game today! Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages, and no wonder. It requires three to five times less time than developing in Java, is a great building block for learning both procedural and object-oriented programming concepts, and is an ideal language for data analysis. Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies is the perfect guide to this dynamic and powerful programming language—even if you've never coded before! Author John Paul Mueller draws on his vast programming knowledge and experience to guide you step-by-step through the syntax and logic of programming with Python and provides several real-world programming examples to give you hands-on experience trying out what you've learned. Provides a solid understanding of basic computer programming concepts and helps familiarize you with syntax and logic Explains the fundamentals of procedural and object-oriented programming Shows how Python is being used for data analysis and other applications Includes short, practical programming samples to apply your skills to real-world programming scenarios Whether you've never written a line of code or are just trying to pick up Python, there's nothing to fear with the fun and friendly Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies leading the way.
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