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Topografia fisica della campania di Scipione Breislak Topografia fisica della campania di Scipione Breislak

Автор: Scipione Breislak

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Topografia fisica della campania di Scipione Breislak : prof. di mineralogia del Corpo Reale d'artiglieria di Sua Maesta' il re delle due Sicilie».

The Spaniards in Florida The Spaniards in Florida

Автор: Fairbanks George Rainsford

Год издания: 

Relacion historial de las misiones de indios chiquitos que en el Paraguay tienen los padres de la Compania de Jesus Relacion historial de las misiones de indios chiquitos que en el Paraguay tienen los padres de la Compania de Jesus

Автор: Fernandez Juan Patricio

Год издания: 

Spaniards in the Colonial Empire. Creoles vs. Peninsulars? Spaniards in the Colonial Empire. Creoles vs. Peninsulars?

Автор: Mark Burkholder A.

Год издания: 

Spaniards in the Colonial Empire traces the privileges, prejudices, and conflicts between American-born and European-born Spaniards, within the Spanish colonies in the Americas from the sixteenth to early nineteenth centuries. • Covers three centuries of Spanish colonial power, beginning in the sixteenth century • Explores social tension between creole and peninsular factions, connecting this friction with later colonial bids for independence • Draws on recent research by Spanish and Spanish-American historians as well as Anglophone scholars • Includes some coverage of Brazil and British colonies

At The Spaniard's Pleasure At The Spaniard's Pleasure

Автор: Jacqueline Baird

Год издания: 

When Nick Menendez discovered that beautiful Liza Summers was working for the prime suspect in a diamond robbery case, the Spanish security tycoon took matters into his own hands and Liza into his custody!He decided the simplest way to uncover the truth and protect her was to take her to his bed and keep her there until he knew her full involvement….