Скачать книгу - Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Over the last decades, major progress has been made in quality assurance of hemostatic laboratory assays. This book will be an indispensable part of every hemostasis laboratory, where, given its hands-on nature, it will rarely sit to get dusty on the shelves. —Frits R. Rosendaal, Leiden University Medical Center The hemostasis laboratory has a vital role in the diagnosis and management of patients with familial and acquired hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders. Its role in the monitoring traditional anticoagulant therapy as well as therapy using new anticoagulants presents new challenges to the laboratory. Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis not only addresses these important issues, but also covers international guidelines for testing, the development of international standard materials, management of hemostasis testing from the laboratory to the point of care as well as molecular genetic testing. Designed as a guide for all those working in hemostasis laboratories, this book details a quality program that, when put into place, will help to improve standards in testing. All of the authors are internationally recognised for their work in hemostasis and thrombosis. Using their experience, they provide information on standards, equipment and methods that will guide the development of a quality program to support all activities in the hemostasis laboratory.

Quality Street: A Comedy Quality Street: A Comedy

Автор: Джеймс Барри

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The Quality of Mercy The Quality of Mercy

Автор: Howells William Dean

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Mean equality. Collection of poems Mean equality. Collection of poems

Автор: Александр Невзоров

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The collection is called «Dirty equality» after the name of the first poem. And indeed, the Constitution provides equal rights for all citizens, but not everyone can realize them. Article of the Constitution No. 40 guarantees the right of citizens to housing. And where is it, is this right? The city line in St. Petersburg has been standing for 37 years, today give (if given, of course) housing for those who stood in line until 1980.

Studies and Essays: Quality, and Others Studies and Essays: Quality, and Others

Автор: Джон Голсуорси

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Internal Audit Quality. Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program Internal Audit Quality. Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program

Автор: Sally-Anne Pitt

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Deliver increased value by embedding quality into internal audit activities Internal Audit Quality: Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to better practice internal auditing. Written by a global expert in audit quality, this guide is the first to provide complete coverage of the elements that comprise an effective internal audit quality assurance and improvement program. Readers will find practical solutions for monitoring and measuring internal audit performance drawn from The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, and complemented by advice and case studies from leading audit practitioners from five different continents. Major corporate and financial collapses over the past decade have challenged the value of internal audit. With an increased focus on internal audit's role in good governance, management is increasingly demanding that internal audit provides assurance of the quality of its own activities. The IIA standards provide a framework for audit quality in the form of mandatory guidance . Recent research indicates that the majority of internal audit functions do not fully comply with the standards and, as a result, are not servicing the needs of their organizations as well as they might. Internal Audit Quality offers a roadmap to internal audit quality, providing readers the guidance they need to: Embed quality into all elements of internal audit from strategic and operational planning down to day-to-day tasks Create well-defined internal audit programs and procedures Independently self-assess internal audit quality and performance Conform with the IIA standards and better practice Provide assurance over internal audit efficiency and effectiveness Deliver value by meeting stakeholder expectations As a key component of good governance, internal audit is on the rise. The days of retrospective, compliance-focused auditing is a thing of the past. Organizations expect more of internal audit, and many internal audit activities are accepting the challenge. Rather than relying on audit supervision and external assessments, modern auditors are embedding quality into audit activities to create effective programs. For the auditor looking to distinguish themselves as leading edge, Internal Audit Quality provides the guidance that enables the right work, at the right time, in the right way.