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The application of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) can assist in improving and optimising the diagnosis, prognosis, control, treatment and ultimately the welfare of animals. It can also provide the user with a methodology for appropriate, patient orientated life-long, self-directed, learning. To practise evidence-based veterinary medicine we require a range of skills that we may not have. This book will explain what evidence-based veterinary medicine is and show how it can be applied to veterinary practice to improve the quality of care for patients and provide informed choices for owners. It will provide the reader with a toolkit of skills necessary to practise evidence-based veterinary medicine. The authors explain how to: · Transform information needs into a series of clinical questions that can be answered · Search for best available external evidence · Critically appraise the evidence for its validity and importance · Apply the results in clinical practice · Understand the process of diagnosis and use of clinical diagnostic decision support systems · Perform a decision analysis This book is aimed at practitioners but will be of interest to veterinary surgeons at any stage of their training or career wishing to learn about EBVM. The authors are responsible for devising and teaching an EBVM course at the veterinary school at Cambridge. Dr Peter Cockcroft, Clinical lecturer, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge.

Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences

Автор: Muybridge Eadweard

Год издания: 

Эта книга - сборник фотографий различных животных в движении. Фотографии сделаны со скоростью 1/2000 секунды, и полученные секвенции кадров представляют собой типичные движения лошадей и других животных на расчерченном вспомогательной сеткой фоне. Большинство секвенций включают снимки с нескольких углов зрения. Лошади показаны в ходьбе, рыси, легком галопе, галопе, тянущими повозку и т.д. Также представлены движения собак, кошек, свиней, слона, козы, птиц и др. Книга является репринтом издания, выпущенного в 1887 году. На мой взгляд, будет полезна художникам в качестве референсов при изображении животных.

The World of People and Animals / Мир людей и животных The World of People and Animals / Мир людей и животных

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

A catalogue of the animals of North America A catalogue of the animals of North America

Автор: John Reinhold Forster

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A catalogue of the animals of North America : to which are added, short directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting, all kinds of natural history curiosities / by John Reinhold Forster».

Funny little animals. For friends and girlfriends Funny little animals. For friends and girlfriends

Автор: Olga Kholodova

Год издания: 

A good book about the exciting adventures of the funny animals: bunnies, hedgehogs, a goose, a pig, a dog and a cat – will be interesting to young readers.

Films and Levels – 3. Humans and Angels Films and Levels – 3. Humans and Angels

Автор: Jacob Feldman

Год издания: 

In this sequel book author analyzes 15 films (1988—2016) with his own instruments of analysis. He uses concept of levels described in the book «Human Being Theory (for Dummies)». You may consider it as a «theory-and-practice of everyday life’s psychological analysis for everybody».