Epithelial cells cover the outer and inner surfaces of the body, forming a selective polarized barrier between the intercellualar space and the 'external' world. Linking the cells of this continuous layer and contributing to epithelial organization and function are specialized membrane domains–desmosomes, gap junctions, and occluding junctions. The contributors to this multidisciplinary symposium volume explore the nature of such junctional structures, focusing on the molecular organization and diversity of their constituent proteins, their formation and control, and interactions with ions and cytoskeletal elements. The physiological significance of cell-cell interaction in epithelia is considered, with reference to cell adhesion, barrier formation and intercellular communication, and to the functional implications for tissue architecture, embryonic development, morphogenesis and carcinogenesis. Получить ссылку |
Stem Cells For Dummies
Автор: Meg Schneider
Год издания:
The first authoritative yet accessible guide to this controversial topic Stem Cell Research For Dummies offers a balanced, plain-English look at this politically charged topic, cutting away the hype and presenting the facts clearly for you, free from debate. It explains what stem cells are and what they do, the legalities of harvesting them and using them in research, the latest research findings from the U.S. and abroad, and the prospects for medical stem cell therapies in the short and long term. Explains the differences between adult stem cells and embryonic/umbilical cord stem cells Provides both sides of the political debate and the pros and cons of each side's opinions Includes medical success stories using stem cell therapy and its promise for the future Comprehensive and unbiased, Stem Cell Research For Dummies is the only guide you need to understand this volatile issue.
Cancer Stem Cells. Identification and Targets
Автор: Sharmila Bapat A.
Год издания:
Because the concept and discoveries of cancer stem cells are relatively new, scientists and researchers need an introduction to this dynamic area. Cancer Stem Cells presents a consolidated account of the research done to date and recent progresses in the studies of cancer stem cells. Such a presentation facilitates a better understanding of and draws attention to stem cell and cancer biology – two fields that enhance, move, and evolve into each other continuously. It provides an informative study in designing approaches to apply stem cell principles to cancer biology while offering an overview of the challenges in developing combination stem and cancer biology targets for therapeutics. This book serves as a primer for new researchers in the field of cancer biology.
Stem Cells. From Biology to Therapy
Автор: Robert A. Meyers
Год издания:
This third in the Current Topics in Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine Series contains a careful selection of new and updated, high-quality articles from the well-known Meyer's Encyclopedia, describing new perspectives in stem cell research. The 26 chapters are divided into four sections: Basic Biology, Stem Cells and Disease, Stem Cell Therapy Approaches, and Laboratory Methods, with the authors chosen from among the leaders in their respective fields. This volume represents an essential guide for students and researchers seeking an overview of the field.
Thermal Design. Heat Sinks, Thermoelectrics, Heat Pipes, Compact Heat Exchangers, and Solar Cells
Автор: H. Lee S.
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The proposed is written as a senior undergraduate or the first-year graduate textbook,covering modern thermal devices such as heat sinks, thermoelectric generators and coolers, heat pipes, and heat exchangers as design components in larger systems. These devices are becoming increasingly important and fundamental in thermal design across such diverse areas as microelectronic cooling, green or thermal energy conversion, and thermal control and management in space, etc. However, there is no textbook available covering this range of topics. The proposed book may be used as a capstone design course after the fundamental courses such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. The underlying concepts in this book cover the, 1) understanding of the physical mechanisms of the thermal devices with the essential formulas and detailed derivations, and 2) designing the thermal devices in conjunction with mathematical modeling, graphical optimization, and occasionally computational-fluid-dynamic (CFD) simulation. Important design examples are developed using the commercial software, MathCAD, which allows the students to easily reach the graphical solutions even with highly detailed processes. In other words, the design concept is embodied through the example problems. The graphical presentation generally provides designers or students with the rich and flexible solutions toward achieving the optimal design. A solutions manual will be provided.
Fuel Cells. Problems and Solutions
Автор: Vladimir Bagotsky S.
Год издания:
The comprehensive, accessible introduction to fuel cells, their applications, and the challenges they pose Fuel cells—electrochemical energy devices that produce electricity and heat—present a significant opportunity for cleaner, easier, and more practical energy. However, the excitement over fuel cells within the research community has led to such rapid innovation and development that it can be difficult for those not intimately familiar with the science involved to figure out exactly how this new technology can be used. Fuel Cells: Problems and Solutions, Second Edition addresses this issue head on, presenting the most important information about these remarkable power sources in an easy-to-understand way. Comprising four important sections, the book explores: The fundamentals of fuel cells, how they work, their history, and much more The major types of fuel cells, including proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), direct liquid fuel cells (DLFC), and many others The scientific and engineering problems related to fuel cell technology The commercialization of fuel cells, including a look at their uses around the world Now in its second edition, this book features fully revised coverage of the modeling of fuel cells and small fuel cells for portable devices, and all-new chapters on the structural and wetting properties of fuel cell components, experimental methods for fuel cell stacks, and nonconventional design principles for fuel cells, bringing the content fully up to date. Designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and chemistry programs, as well as professionals working in related fields, Fuel Cells is a compact and accessible introduction to the exciting world of fuel cells and why they matter.
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