Threads of Labour presents new empirical research by a network of garment workers' support organizations and makes sense of global supply chains from the bottom up. Presents new empirical research by a network of garment workers' support organizations in ten different locations in Asia, Europe and Mexico. Creates a blueprint for conducting worker-orientated action research in order to better understand and resist the negative impact of globalization on labour. Ensures that workers' voices reach those who are already trying to reconfigure global capitalism in more humane directions. Explores the ways in which workers might begin to develop new forms of organization that are more suited to securing gains in the global garment industry. Bridges the gap between activist and academic research, improving the conversation between these two groups. Получить ссылку |
Приручаем потоки Java (Taming Java Threads)
Автор: Ален Холаб (Allen Holub)
Год издания:
В этом учебном пособии описана работа с одной из самых ценных возможностей языка Java - многопоточностью и оно знакомит читателя не только с тем, как правильно использовать потоки, но и рассматривает работу с ними во всевозможных аспектах - swing, oop, patterns и т.д.
Книга рассчитана не для начинающих программистов, а для специалистов, уже работающих в этой сфере.
Threads of Grey and Gold
Автор: Reed Myrtle
Год издания:
The Theory and Policy of Labour Protection
Автор: Germany. Laws, statutes, etc.
Год издания:
Love's Labour's Lost
Автор: Уильям Шекспир
Год издания:
The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook
Автор: Charles Cathy
Год издания:
Praise for previous editions: “An excellent resource for both student midwives and qualified staff alike.” (Alison James, Midwifery Lecturer, Plymouth University) "A lovely book with a lot of practical advice and easy to navigate. (Jayne Samples, Midwifery Lecturer, University of Huddersfield) This fully revised and updated third edition of The Midwife’s Labour and Birth Handbook is a practical and accessible guide to midwifery care. It addresses important questions such as: Why are women being pressured into caesarean section for breech presentation when the evidence is equivocal? If a baby needs assisted ventilation breaths at birth, why not bring the ambubag to the baby and leave the cord intact so the baby can benefit from the extra maternal oxygen supply? Why is skin-to-skin contact at birth so rarely offered to preterm babies when there is evidence of benefit? This well-regarded text promotes normality and woman-centred care, using research, evidence-based guidelines and anecdotal accounts from women. It challenges practice and guidelines which are biased or based on poor evidence. Guidance is offered on how to deal with difficult, sometimes controversial, situations. The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook 3rd edition is an essential guide for both student midwives and experienced practising midwives. New to this edition: Full colour photographs including a kneeling breech birth Suturing diagrams to assist left-handed midwives. Expanded chapters on slow progress in labour and malposition/malpresentations, including a rare photograph of a face presentation birth.
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