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The Gay Triangle: The Romance of the First Air Adventurers The Gay Triangle: The Romance of the First Air Adventurers

Автор: Le Queux William

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Antony Waymouth: or, The Gentlemen Adventurers Antony Waymouth: or, The Gentlemen Adventurers

Автор: Kingston William Henry Giles

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The Adventurers The Adventurers

Автор: Gustave Aimard

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Oroscopo sulla salute per il 2018. Oroscopo russo Oroscopo sulla salute per il 2018. Oroscopo russo

Автор: Александр Невзоров

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Gli oroscopi in versetto per tutti i segni dello zodiaco sono pubblicati da Alexander Nevzorov ogni anno. La loro lettura e in continua espansione. Poesie di oroscopi di eccellente qualita. Sono ben rima, con umorismo, colpiscono con precisione l’obiettivo e sono ben ricordati. Gli oroscopi possono essere letti ad alta voce, in una grande azienda, specialmente alla vigilia del nuovo anno. Le previsioni divertenti sono di particolare interesse, sorrisi, umore positivo.

Detectives and Young Adventurers: The Complete Short Stories Detectives and Young Adventurers: The Complete Short Stories

Автор: Агата Кристи

Год издания: 

A bumper omnibus gathering together over 50 classic Agatha Christie stories featuring Tommy and Tuppence Beresford, Harley Quin, Parker Pyne and Hercule Poirot, plus her rare Christmas Stories not available in any other volume.This new compendium of over 50 stories is the first time all the stories featuring Agatha Christie’s detectives have been collected together. Here you will meet -PARKER PYNE – a consulting detective whose practice is to solve less murderous enigmas and restore happiness to his clients;HARLEY QUIN – a tall, dark, mysterious young man who takes a more surreptitious approach to solving crime;TOMMY AND TUPPENCE BERESFORD – a newly married pair of self-styled ‘Young Adventurers’ who are prepared to do anything in the name of justice.And in addition to presenting the complete oeuvre for these detectives, this volume includes as a bonus four rare short stories featuring that grand master of detection, Monsieur HERCULE POIROT, plus Agatha Christie’s little-known Christmas stories written for children, including “Star Over Bethlehem” and “The Naughty Donkey”.