Every line tells a different story …A troubled young woman travels across London to end an abusive relationship. An agitated father gets lost in the city with an injured toddler. Two men – who unknowingly cross paths every day – finally meet one life-changing afternoon. A sudden death on the platform at Blackfriars sparks rumours of murder.Underground, we are at once isolated and connected. We avoid eye contact and conversation while our lives literally intersect with those of strangers. As we stand on the tube, it becomes possible to travel far further than expected – and this sense of possibility lies at the heart of this stunning collection.Twelve writers explore life on the London Underground through eleven short stories and one memoir, commissioned to mark the opening of the Elizabeth line. Получить ссылку |
Underground Man
Автор: Gabriel de Tarde
Год издания:
Синие спички. Underground poetry
Автор: Даниил Горевич
Год издания:
Сборник стихов в современном стиле. Вдохновением для сборника послужил фильм Джима Джармуша «Патерсон» (2017), рассказывающий о водителе автобуса и неизвестном поэте Патерсоне, почитателе классика американской поэзии Уильяма Карлоса Уильямса.
Simple Profits from Swing Trading. The UndergroundTrader Swing Trading System Explained
Автор: Jea Yu
Год издания:
There are so many trading systems out there today, each one claiming to have the secret that will bring windfall returns. Some may fare well in rising markets, but all too often leave the trader struggling to keep their head–and capital–up when the market starts to fall. Doesn't sound too reliable, does it? The Underground Trader Swing Trading system is unlike any other. Having been meticulously forged by hand from hours of active market participation and analysis from over a decade, it is an all-encompassing system that performs strong when the market is rising and perhaps even stronger when it is falling. It functions well in every market condition, ensuring that traders can rely on it no matter how the market moves. This revised book from renowned trader and president of UndergroundTrader.com, Jea Yu, provides all of the information necessary to successfully begin swing trading today. You will learn: * How to break down and grind away any stock piece by piece, allowing you to quantify and analyze it on the fly, * To build a solid foundation using the highest probability setup–the perfect storm, * A step-by-step process of how to plan and execute a trade to ensure the highest available return, and * When to buy long or sell short and exactly the criteria to identify and look for before making these moves. Also included in this e-book are real-life examples and charts as well as an in-depth look at how the Underground Trader system really works, what its chat rooms and alerts look like, and how you can use the platform to exponentially increase your swing trading knowledge and –in turn– your profits. Knowing the information provided in this e-book will help you to boost your returns and minimize losses with just a few simple strategies that will leave you wishing you'd been an Underground Trader years ago.
The Underground Church. Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus
Автор: Robin Meyers
Год издания:
A new way to follow Jesus that draws on old ways of following Him The Underground Church proposes that the faithful recapture the spirit of the early church with its emphasis on what Christians do rather than what they believe. Prominent progressive writer, speaker, and minister Robin Meyers proposes that the best way to recapture the spirit of the early Christian church is to recognize that Jesus-following was and must be again subversive in the best sense of the word because the gospel taken seriously turns the world upside down. No matter how the church may organize itself or worship, the defining characteristic of church of the future will be its Jesus-inspired countercultural witness. Debunks commonly held beliefs about the early church and offers a vision for the future rooted in the past Proposes that the church of the future must leave doctrinal tribalism behind and seek a unity of mission instead Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said,"Robin Meyers has spoken truth to power, and the church he loves will never be the same."
Yola-underground. Fairy tale
Автор: Mary Semikova
Год издания:
Under the city, in the labyrinths of the subway, lives a little fairy. Her name is Yola. Yola’s family moved here after a collapse had happened in their mountain cave. “Underground” suits Yola in everything: there is no day or night, but there are large bright rooms.
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