Taalla Tsernobylin vyohykkeen ydinmutantit, nimeltaan GALUPY, hyokkasivat Tseljabinskin mutanteihin, nimeltaan BLACKS. Ja toi heille, kalju varpunen Semipalatinskin ydinkoekokoelmasta, nimeltaan STASYAN, joka ystavystyi toisen mutantin kanssa, nimeltaan Gryzha Gemoroev… Ja he kaikki taistelivat henkensa puolesta…
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Della forza della fantasia umana
Автор: Lodovico Antonio Muratori
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Della forza della fantasia umana / trattato di Lodovico Antonio Muratori».
Ethnic Conflicts in the Baltic States in Post-soviet Period
Автор: Сборник статей
Год издания:
This collection of articles concerns the consideration of the causes, forms of existence and mechanisms of realisation of ethnic conflicts in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in 1991–2013 The articles presented by the authors are an attempt to understand the experience of the struggle of ethnic minorities in the countries in question against the ethnic discrimination regimes.
Club de Esclavitud Sexual. Todas las fantasias eroticas
Автор: Виталий Мушкин
Год издания:
El protagonista conoce a una joven en Internet. En una reunion intima, ella lo invita al hotel. En la habitacion del hotel, el heroe encuentra inesperadamente no solo su simpatia, sino tambien a su esposo con alguna mujer. Y el hotel no es solo un hotel, sino un misterioso club cerrado, donde reina la esclavitud sexual. Nuestro heroe se ofrece para convertirse en esclavo.
Clube da Escravatura Sexual. Todas as fantasias eroticas
Автор: Виталий Мушкин
Год издания:
O protagonista familiariza-se com uma jovem na Internet. Em uma reuniao intima, ela o convida para o hotel. No quarto do hotel, o heroi encontra inesperadamente nao apenas sua simpatia, mas tambem o marido com uma mulher. E o hotel nao e apenas um hotel, mas um misterioso clube fechado, onde a escravidao sexual reina. Nosso heroi e oferecido para se tornar um escravo.
Textological Aspects of Musicology in Russia and the Former Soviet Union
Автор: Tatyana Naumenko
Год издания:
In this monograph, Tatyana Naumenko, Doctor of Arts and a professor at Moscow’s Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, looks at modern Russian musicology through the prism of texts representing it. She mentions subjects addressed in musicological studies, names genres of music that scholars preference to explore, and describes modern methods of research and criteria of assessment, largely with the aim of overcoming Soviet-era dogmatism. Special consideration is given to the writing of academic degree dissertations on music in the former Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. The Annex lists dissertations approved between 1970 and 2013.
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