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The Cat that Walked by Himself The Cat that Walked by Himself

Автор: Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

Год издания: 

Самый известный сборник Киплинга – «Сказки просто так». Входящие в него веселые добрые истории о том, как животные стали такими, какими мы их знаем, были придуманы писателем для его детей и племянницы. Сказочная «Кошка, которая гуляет сама по себе» имела реальный прототип – домашний сиамский кот Киплингов любил ночами уходить из дома и бродить по сырому дикому лесу... The Cat that Walked by Himself The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo How the First Letter was Written How the Alphabet was Made The Crab that Played with the Sea How the Leopard Got His Spots The Butterfly that Stamped

The Einstein See-Saw The Einstein See-Saw

Автор: Breuer Miles John

Год издания: 

Albert Einstein: Akademie-Vortr?ge. Sitzungsberichte der Preu?ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1914 - 1932 Albert Einstein: Akademie-Vortr?ge. Sitzungsberichte der Preu?ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1914 - 1932

Автор: Dieter Simon

Год издания: 

Der vorliegende Band enthalt in Faksimiledruck 47 der von Albert Einstein zwischen 1914 und 1932 in den Sitzungen der Preu?ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften gehaltenen Vortrage, die der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften als Sonderdruck aus den seinerzeitigen Sitzungsberichten der Akademie vorliegen. Einsteins Akademieabhandlungen enthalten die ersten grundlegenden Mitteilungen uber die allgemeine Relativitatstheorie und ihre Folgerungen, einschlie?lich der Vorhersage von Gravitationswellen, seiner Begrundung der relativistischen Kosmologie und der Fundamente der Quantenstatistik. Mitten in die heutigen Hauptprobleme der physikalischen Forschung fuhren Einsteins Diskussionen zu den Grundfragen der Quantenmechanik und der Beziehungen von Materie- und Raumzeitstruktur, von Elementarteilchen und Feldphysik. Die Akademieschriften Einsteins bestimmten im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts weitgehend die Physik und beeinflu?ten sie wesentlich bis heute. Sie gehoren zu den gro?artigsten Dokumenten physikalischen Denkens und Forschens.

An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side

Автор: Joan Charles

Год издания: 

Renowned psychic Joan Charles reveals stories from her twenty-five years as a spiritual communicator. Looking in detail at the amazing psychic abilities of children, both passed and on this plane, Joan shares tales of love and loss, and secrets and lies, which go far beyond our Earthly experience.Joan had her first experience of the spiritual world at the age of four. One night, struggling to sleep, she lay in bed with a feeling of dread knotting her stomach and playing on her mind. As she lay there she saw a dark figure float past the open curtains. And immediately, in her mind, although only four years old, she knew she had just seen the Angel of Death. The next morning she kept quiet, and didn't say anything to anyone, keeping her experience to herself, even as she heard her dad say that her Uncle John had died suddenly in the night.This was Joan’s first, and very personal, experience of the extraordinary abilities a child can have. What follows are a collection of the other remarkable experiences Joan has had as she has come to terms with her talents and discovered those of many other, amazing, psychic children.At a time when so many of us are searching for meaning, Joan encourages us to look at the natural and loving messages that surround us; messages that can add a richness to our daily lives and relationships, giving us guidance and hope.Packed with incredible anecdotes and heart-warming stories, this book will amaze and move you in equal measures.

When You Walked In When You Walked In

Автор: Jessica Bird

Год издания: 

THE FORCE OF THOSE EYES HIT FRANKIE MOOREHOUSE LIKE A GUST OF WIND But she quickly reminded herself that she had dinner to get ready, the staff of White Caps B&B (such as it was) to motivate. She didn't have the luxury of staring into a stranger's face. Although, jeez, what a face it was. And wasn't it just her luck that the owner of that face, Nate Walker–with his rebel attitude and distaste for authority–was the chef her restaurant desperately needed, and he was staying for the summer….And…it was a bit too tempting to let this breath of fresh air sweep her off her feet. Because all work and no play had been Frankie's motto for much too long!