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Le opere. Volume ultimo Le opere. Volume ultimo

Автор: Vittorio Alfieri

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Le opere di Vittorio Alfieri Volume ultimo (последн.)».

Security Aspects of Uni- and Multimodal Hazmat Transportation Systems Security Aspects of Uni- and Multimodal Hazmat Transportation Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Written in a clear language, for use by scholars, managers and decisionmakers, this practical guide to the hot topic is unique in treating the security aspects of hazmat transportation from both uni-modal and multi-modal perspectives. To begin with, each transport mode and its relation to security vulnerability, analyses, figures, and approaches is discussed separately. Secondly, the optimization process of a hazmat supply chain is examined from a holistic, integrated viewpoint. Finally, the book discusses and compares the various hazmat transport security policies and strategies adopted in various regions around the world. The result is a must-have source of high-quality information including many case studies.

Sangre Pirata Sangre Pirata

Автор: Eugenio Pochini

Год издания: 

La era dorada de la pirateria. Johnny pasa su infancia en Port Royal. Sus callejuelas estan repletas de aventureros, bravucones y prostitutas: todos buscan suerte entre tabernas y muelles. Un dia el muchacho descubre la existencia de un misterioso tesoro … y todo cambia repentinamente. Obligado a alistarse en la tripulacion del temible pirata Barbanegra, Johnny tendra que enfrentarse a mil escollos, entre violentos abordajes, perturbadoras tribus indigenas y predicciones oscuras, poniendo en peligro su vida e intentando cumplir su destino.

Slowo pirata Slowo pirata

Автор: Magdalena Starzycka

Год издания: 

Wyspa skarbow. Powiesc przygodowa o piratach Wyspa skarbow. Powiesc przygodowa o piratach

Автор: Robert Louis Stevenson

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