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Elamiseks moeldud elu. Lood peredest, kes kasvatavad teistest vanematest sundinud lapsi Elamiseks moeldud elu. Lood peredest, kes kasvatavad teistest vanematest sundinud lapsi

Автор: Helen Michaels

Год издания: 

“Olime just abiellunud, noored inimesed… Veiko vennanaine rehkendas lausa valja, mitu minutit moodub, kui vanaema seltskonnas jalle pisipere kohta parib – see oli justkui kohustuslik kusimus. Ja ehkki sa ise tead, et pisiperet ei tulegi, teed ikka head nagu,” utleb Anu. Paariaastase proovimise jarel utles Veiko: „Nuud aitab. Me ei proovi enam kunstlikult, sest ma ei saa kauem korvalt vaadata, kuidas sa oma kehale haiget teed.” Selle asemel hakkas ta aegamisi raakima: „Voib-olla meie roll siin elus on hoopis teistsugune – voib-olla peaksime lapsendama?” Raamatu autori teekond kaesoleva raamatu tegelaste – teistest vanematest sundinud lapsi kasvatavate perede juurde, sai alguse aastal 2011, kui ta oli alustanud vabatahtlikuna tegevust mittetulundusuhingus Oma Pere*. Koostoost sundis fotonaitus, mis ringles 2012. aastal peaaegu uheksa kuud mooda Eestit. Lapsendamisele puhendatud naitust kulastas ja perede pilte tutvustavaid tekste luges ule 10 000 inimese. Oli utlemata selge, et lood elust enesest puudutasid paljusid inimesi, kes olid otseselt voi kaudselt seotud teistest vanematest sundinud laste kasvatamisega. Naitusest, piltidest ja pilte tutvustavatest tekstidest kasvas valja 14 lugu kaesolevasse raamatusse. Raamatus kajastatud lugudele on kirjutanud jarelsonad perede koolitaja Viiu Orgmets ja psuhholoog, superviisor ning perede noustaja Maie Salum * mittetulundusuhing Oma Pere seisab lapsendatavate laste ja lapsendajate huvide eest Eestis.

The Great Life Redesign. Change How You Work, Live How You Dream and Make It Happen .. Today The Great Life Redesign. Change How You Work, Live How You Dream and Make It Happen .. Today

Автор: Caroline Cameron

Год издания: 

Never before have Australians worked so hard yet felt so unhappy. With anxiety rising at unprecedented levels, now is the time to stop and consider whether there could be another way to live. We renovate our houses, but what about our lives? The Great Life Redesign is an inspirational yet practical guidebook to help you reshape the life you have to create one you'll love. The Great Life Redesign is an inspiring guidebook to help you reshape the life you have to create one you'll love. The practical, simple to apply techniques and inspiring personal stories included in this book will show you how. Learn the secrets of one-on-one coaching with Caroline Cameron, an executive, career and lifestyle coach. Based on her experiences working with hundreds of professionals across Australia and beyond, she steps you through the process of designing a blue print for the life you really want. Key features: Helps the reader to create a blue print for making real and actionable change, including career, relationships, wealth and finances, health, home, personal growth, environment, leisure and spirituality. Use to instantly repair parts of your life that could be better or as a step-by-step plan for a major life renovation. Includes practical, simple to apply techniques and inspiring personal stories Written for professionals, middle income, burnt-out city slickers, corporate refugees, disillusioned 30-somethings, mid life crisis sufferers, baby boomers whose super and retirement dreams evaporated in the GFC, dedicated parents who want the best for their kids, and anyone who suspects that there's more to life but don't know what it is or how to get it.

Trade-Up!. 5 Steps for Redesigning Your Leadership and Life from the Inside Out Trade-Up!. 5 Steps for Redesigning Your Leadership and Life from the Inside Out

Автор: Rayona Sharpnack

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Silicon Valley wunderkind Rayona Sharpnack has been a schoolteacher, tennis champion, manager and player for a women's professional softball team, and a celebrity who coaches some of the most successful leaders in business. Trade Up! draws on Sharpnack&'s experience, as well as stories of successful leaders she has worked with, to reveal how leaders limit themselves by holding on to ideas or assumptions about ourselves—what she calls your “context” —that are no longer valid. Trade Up! outlines the 5 steps to help leaders gain awareness of these assumptions and trade up from limiting beliefs and behaviors to those that will help them change the world. The 5 steps are Reveal your context: what do you believe about yourself? What holds you back? How do you impact others? Own your context: take stock of the upside and downside of your context, and examine the intended and unintended consequences of it! Design a new context that gets you what you want: begin by asking yourself «how good are you willing to have life be?» Sustain your new context: develop new practices to get this new context to stick! Activate your context and engage with the world: move out of your own concerns and into partnership and community with others to help change the world around you!

The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election

Автор: Robert Wallace

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The Royal House of Karedes: The Desert Throne The Royal House of Karedes: The Desert Throne

Автор: Annie West

Год издания: 

He’s as untamed as the desert – a barbarian prince. Long ago he loved a girl; she’s the only one who can stop the storm that rages in his heart. He has a choice: take her as hismistress or become the king he was born to be…Sheikh Rafiq Al’Ramiz left his homeland – betrayed by the woman he loved. He has made a fortune – and now his country needs him. But vengeance is on his mind – he will take what he’s owed!Exiled rebel Prince Tahir was flying home for his brother’s coronation, but the remains of his helicopter were discovered and the worst was assumed… Until he came back with no explanation and a mysterious beauty moved into the palace…